July 6, 2011

I'm more confused than a chameleon in a bowl of fruit loops :~)

Living Under the Radar

Does it make me selfish that I like to live under the radar?  To live and let live?  I try to find the goodness in people and if I don't see it,  I just move on.  I don't try to make them feel bad about it or of who they are. I dont' try to change them... I just simply... move on.
I don't like to be bothered or inconvenienced  by other people. But isn't that a norm?  I have my own issues and my own problems.  They might not seem as big as yours, but they are bigger to me because they are my issues and my problems and it seems to me that if I am busy taking care of your issues and problems then who will take care of mine? 
Sometimes you have to be selfish because some people will try to suck you dry.  They need to sap all the strength you have to offer and even then, it still won't be enough.  Life is too short for me to have to worry about if other people are making the right decisions.  I have to make sure every decision I make is the right one for me.  So does that make me selfish that I like to live under the radar?

Karma is Not Fickle

So the unpopular verdic of NOT GUILTY was found today in the Casey Anthony case.  While listening I really thought it would be GUILTY... and was shocked that it wasn't on at least one felony account.  I think it is sad that if she did commit these crimes or have knowledge of it that she was not convicted.  I know our court system isn't perfect, but we put into place a system with a judge and a jury of our peers so that we can give everyone a fair trail.  Yet when the outcome isn't what we as a society thinks it should be we start in on opinons and on cursing the jurors or calling them stupid.  Some people are even hoping her life is horrible!  Who are these people?  It is frustrating to me really becauses no one knows for sure what happened. 

Pushing this case aside.. whatever happened to once you served your time you got to start over?  So many people can't find jobs after prison and are practically forced back into a life a crime just to survive.  And then there are the ones like Casey where once you are found not guilty, you are still considered guilty and treated as an outcast.  We would like to think our society is civilized, but it takes me back to the witch hunt days where one person declared another a witch and the entire town would rally around to burn them with little else but a mock trial.  People are cruel and unforgiving.  A court room is for Justice not revenge. 

Karma is not fickle...

July 4, 2011

Either he is really thirsty or it is a poorly thought out suicide attempt! lol

No Cussing and No Sex

Matthew is turning over a new leaf!  He no longers cusses or allows those around him to cuss and he told me today while taking him to White Water that he "needed to get a purity ring A.S.A.P before he had sex!!!"  I thought I would wreck from laughing so hard.