July 20, 2011

Where are the Flats?!?!

DUDE!  Why can't I find cute flats?!?!  I went to several places today to find cute flats and there was NONE!  All the cute shoes have heels!  I can't wear heels, I am tall enough.  So if anyone out there knows where I can get cute little shoes PLEASE TELL ME! 

July 19, 2011

Welcome to Oklahoma!!!!

Ambitious or Never Satisfied?

“Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled with great ambitions.”
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Ambition is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to achieve goals in life. Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do for attainment, power, or superiority.

My husband and I argue over this topic all the time.  He would still have the same furniture he had when I met him 17 years ago if I had never pushed the issue of getting new stuff.  He has a great job and is a great worker - making it through 2 lay offs even when a bunch of his friends didn't.  He has worked for the same company for over 20 years... but he never applies for higher positions.  He doesn't want the added responsiblities.  I am highly ambitious.  I am always striving to do more, have better, be better.  He thinks I am never satisfied with what I have.  So it got me to wondering... was I not? 

I look back at my life and think how happy I was at 12 when I graduated from the 6th grade and got a new yellow Sunflower bike with a banana seat and a white basket.  Man that was a beautiful bike!  I rode that all around the neighborhood for the entire summer!  But would I had been happy with that at 16 when I got my license?  I mean it was transportation, and it would get me from point A to point B.... Does that make me not happy with what I had, because now I wanted a car?  No!  I was ecstatic to get that bike!  But at 12 bikes are enough.  At 16... you want more... you DESIRE more.  Is that not being satisfied or is it ambition?

So then, it stands to reason that one is never fully satisfied.  I mean, if people were content with things in their lives, they would never try to better themselves, right? 

My question is, if you don't want to live your life being simply satisfied with whatever you have... that you want to have better things in your life... is that ambition or are you never happy?  At any rate... time marches on, and with it so do my desires.  Just having a bike wasn't enough for me.   I will always continue to outgrow things and want to move forward to always better myself and my surroundings.  Does that make me ambitious, or never satisfied?

July 16, 2011

Just wanted to throw this out there......

Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. 

Nakey Boy!!

I got beautiful flowers today.  They were from my parents and the card read, "To my very own Cinderella! We love you, Mom and Dad."  I was not at home when they were delivered.  Matthew was taking out the trash in his underwear when they were delivered and got caught outside and couldn't get back in to answer the door because he was hiding.  He ran to the back yard but the back door was locked but he could see the lady was waiting at the front door so he ran back around the side door and slipped back into the garage to get into the kitchen so he could throw on some clothes and answer the door!  He was out of breath and apologized to the lady telling her he didn't really want to answer the door in his underwear!  He says from now own he wears shorts to run out the trash!  lol