August 12, 2011

This is Katie.....

I wanted to make this for her business web page... She is starting her choreography business and already has 5 schools that have called her about jobs just this week alone....but because of the song.... it won't let me post it... Oh well.. I will figure out something.  Enjoy!

August 5, 2011

100 miles?

Matthew passed his drivers test on Wed and since then... (2 days) he has put over 100 miles on my truck and $50. worth of gas in the tank.  He drives himself to work, but that only explained 13 miles.... we are trying to figure out where the other 87 miles were to. lol  I saw this shirt and thought of him.

How Dinosaurs Became Extinct ....

 (The very first "senior moment".)

August 1, 2011

Thinking Photography....

My love of photography should not come as a shock to my family or friends.   I have always loved capturing the moments that make mine or my children's life. I have taken several and filled up so many creative albums... I have a special cabinet that is the length of my hallway just to store all my albums in. My favorite kind of photos are the ones that are unexpected.  The ones that capture a smile, or a laugh with a wide opened mouth.  A look between a happy couple... an older couple that still hold hands... A water balloon as it hits your face... or the look ON the face after the balloon busts and half your face is soaked.   Those are the fun pictures to capture.  Staged photography is great, but it doesn't show me personality or reaction to the surroundings.  I am really good at capturing the feelings and emotions  when I take pictures.  I also like to get creative with them to make them better.  My creative mind works into over time when I have the thought of a photo shoot.  That is why I am thinking, very seriously I might add, of really pursuing a career in photography.... even it if is strictly part time.  I know a lot of people that can't really afford to have "professional" pictures taken, yet really want them, and that is where I could come into play.  I could take pictures for that happy couple that just got engaged, or that single mom or dad that wants a family shot.  I can even do a special day if your willing to let me do it.  My nephew had a professional photographer at his wedding, yet use my photos for everything because he said "they were better and were more fun looking." While building my portfolio I could take them for a very low cost... next to nothing... and it would help me build up my experience. I have tons of examples of my photography on my facebook.  So, if you, or anyone you know, would like to have any type of fun pictures taken, send them my way. 

Happy Birthday MTV

This was the first launch for MTV 30 years ago today.  I was 16. The channel opened with this video and then went right into music videos.   Here is a recount of the first 24 hours of MTV...