March 7, 2013

Shit will Fall Off you if you Piss me OFF

I don't get made often... but when I do... I am somewhat........ mean.  What is with all the rude people these days.  Hows does your lack of effort cause it to be my fault.  I don't think so.  But as Dawson said in Roadhouse...It's time to be nice...until its not time to be nice.  My alarm is fixing to go off...

Lazy people can't have OCD

 I have felt a bit lazy lately... even though I am always busy doing something.  After all no rest for the wicked!  And I like to stay busy.  I often have more then one iron in the fire.  But I can be a bit lazy when it comes to the same old chores every day!  I mean.... didn't I JUST pick up the living room or put laundry up!?! 

And I use to think I was superstitious and that is why I did things over and over until they were right, or until it felt right.  I would even think... I have to walk around this three times, or I have to let it ring 5 times, or I had to fold it just right.... or bad things will happen.  I remember thinking how stupid it was, but I had to do it just the same. 

The other day, while making my bed it had to be just right.  I was running late and my rational mind was saying... you don't have time for this, while I still took my time to get it just right!  Then it hit me.  Lazy people can't have OCD... it takes to much effort to try to be perfect!  With OCD, you do things over and over and a lazy person doesn't even want to do it once! 

So now which is better, being lazy or OCD... oh great a new worry!  I'm a hypochondriac!!!

February 27, 2013

I wanted a snow day!

A shell of who I was

Growing old watching my mother grow old.  Totally new to me.  To all of us I imagine.  I watch my friends become grandparents, and I think where am I at?  I feel the same, yet different.  I know I am the same person, but yet not.  So strange to find a place in the world after your done with another place.  It's like we are shedding our skin.  Baby... shed..... child.... shed....teenager.... shed..... young adult, mother, care giver...... shed.... now what?  I feel like a locust.  the shell is the same, but where am I?

February 18, 2013

Ready? Set!! .... Crap!

Directing Grease again!  I might have to kill myself now.  I held auditions and I was suprised that I was able to cast the whole show with the auditions! 

But before this happened, we have already had lots of ups and downs on this adventure.  For one, we were suppose to do this LAST YEAR, and the license didn't get approved in time.  Then, I had some issues with Divas in my way... and we all know that Raven don't talk Diva!  Then we have too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. Then, when we had auditions full of young 10 - 14 year olds and older people!  I was like... This play is going to end up being "Grease!  Before high school", or "Grease!  The 20 year high school reunion" show!  Man.. I was like no way!  I am all for casting older actors over young ones.... cause face it, I don't like Stage moms in my  Eventually a group came together and feels like the T birds and the Pink Ladies and I think we got this!

Now I am trying to get everyone lined out with their jobs... Set construction, painters, Prop Director, Costume Director, Music Director and Choreographer!  There is a lot to do and everyone has a job!  My deal is.... I have no idea who is doing what?!?  Gotta figure this out quick! 

We are going to rent mics (thanks to Guymon Community Theatre) and sing with a track... which scares me... but will sound so much better!  First two weeks is hard cause of the blocking.  Then after that comes the RE BLOCKING!  Ugh.... again, I think I might shoot myself!

Just ready to see some progress even though we haven't even had our first on stage practice yet!  I might be a little impatient!