June 22, 2013

I am married to a Little Debbie Junkie

Watching Dennis pull his hand out of a Little Debbie Swirl Box.....

Me:  OMGOSH Dennis!  Do you have enough?

Dennis:  What?!  This is all that would fit in my hand!

Me:  Are you going to eat all of those?

Dennis: For now... Doesn't mean I ain't coming back for more though!

June 17, 2013

Ahhh Family time!

I can FEEL the food chain shifting.....
This is how my mom survived raising 4 children.  She ignored us!  Pretending we were never up to no good. 

I Call B.S.!!

I have been playing scrabble with my sister  who lives in Colorado lately, and while playing a perfectly  Legitimate word, it said it was not a word!!  I found it ironic... Because I play this game on my iPad.... Using an app!  I call BS!!!

June 14, 2013

Dog Sitting

We are dog sitting for some friends.  She is such a cute and sweet little Yorkie.  She has been no problem at all.  We could tell she was missing her mommy and daddy that first day... so Dennis started talking to her like he does our dogs.  But you can't call us mommy and daddy... so he started referring to himself as Uncle Dennis. 

The 2nd day, Dennis still refered to himself as Uncle Dennis, but started to refer to me as Grandma! 

Me:  How come you are Uncle Dennis and I am GRANDMA?!?

Dennis:  I don't know...

Me:  Well I am not grandma if you are Uncle.  So ....... call me something else!

Dennis:  Great grandma?

Me: *insert stink eye look here*
Today is my youngest birthday.  He is 18!  I have mixed emotions about this.  I don't know where 18 years went.. but it sure went in a hurry.