November 17, 2014

Attitude Check... How do ya feel???

Attitude Check!

You are not the center of everyone’s universe.  You need to remember that the world will not revolve around you.  You might have something happen to you that is important or traumatic or life changing, but that does not mean that it will affect other people in your life the same way.  You cannot expect people to always be your salvation.  You need to developed your own strength and not condemn those around you who are living their own lives. It makes you look sad and very self absorbed.  It also cause alienation from people that could or would otherwise be best used for other areas in your life.  So no, the world does not revolve around you, and the sooner you get that in life… the better you will live it!

November 10, 2014

This Is Not The End..... (I'm digging this song)

"Waiting For The End"

This is not the end, this is not the beginning
Just a voice like a riot rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone and the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady something empty’s within them
We say yeah with fists flying up in the air
Like we’re holding onto something that’s invisible there
Cause we’re living at the mercy of the pain and the fear
Until we dead it, forget it, let it all disappear

Waiting for the end to come
Wishing I had strength to stand
This is not what I had planned
It’s out of my control
Flying at the speed of light
Thoughts were spinning in my head
So many things were left unsaid
It’s hard to let you go

I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I want to do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven’t got

Sitting in an empty room
Trying to forget the past
This was never meant to last
I wish it wasn’t so

I know what it takes to move on
I know how it feels to lie
All I want to do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven’t got

What was left when that fire was gone
I thought it felt right but that right was wrong
All caught up in the eye of the storm
And trying to figure out what it’s like moving on
And I don’t even know what kind of things I said
My mouth kept moving and my mind went dead
So I’m picking up the pieces, now where to begin
The hardest part of ending is starting again

All I want to do
Is trade this life for something new
Holding on to what I haven’t got
I’m holding on to what I haven’t got
I’m holding on to what I haven’t got

This is not the end, this is not the beginning
Just a voice like a riot rocking every revision
But you listen to the tone and the violent rhythm
Though the words sound steady something empty’s within them
We say yeah with fists flying up in the air
Like we’re holding onto something that’s invisible there
Cause we’re living at the mercy of the pain and the fear
Until we dead it, forget it let it all disappear

November 5, 2014

Stop Bumping Me Mister!

Last night I tried to cuddle with Dennis while watching the election results. I call it 'cuddling' he called it 'wallering'... (Like that's even a word)!  Anyway, Every time I got really comfortable he would bump me away.  
After three or more times I said:  ugh! Stop that!! I just love you so much!
He said: I love you too!! Now go away!  This is my quiet time.
Gotta love 20 years together!

September 28, 2014

The Losers on my Couch

When I say "Couch", I mean... in my vicinity.  And when I say vicinity..., I mean people I deal with on a regular basis.  These people that are on my "couch" need a job.  

They need to get up... get dressed... and get a job.  

They have bills to pay and things to do, and have no time for thier sickness or listening to their pettiness. Aka thier stupidity.....

Stupidity to understand the rules are not basis for getting their way.  No, it means you need to know the rules.  They are in place to keep your ass off my couch.  

So if you are sitting on my couch... you need to get with the program, because I am fixing to clean house!  


September 21, 2014

Life Is Happening Right In Front Of You!

Yesterday I went to the fair.  It baffles me how many people that go together, I thought for spending time with each other, actually don't!  Every person in the group on thier cell phone!  Walking into things or tripping over things because their head is down.  I saw them get seperated from each other too. So sad.  People need to know while looking down, life is happening right in front of you.  If you would rather spend your day with the people you are texting, then have THEM go to the fair with you and leave the ones your ignoring at home.  They probably have better things to do, and better company they can keep....then to spend the day with you if all your going to do is ignor them by being on your phone!