July 7, 2015

Walmart Conspiracy Theory vs The Bachelorette Show

There is a big conspiracy theory going on right now about Walmart!  It's all over the place and I have friends that are freaking out!  They have said there are convoy's of Walmart and military trucks going to the 5 that are closed for plumbing problems and everyone is stock piling guns, amo, food etc., or so I am told, I personally don't anyone that is doing any of this... and yet all I can worry about is the Bachelorette and what is going to happen next!  It's a wonder I have lived this long... or have brain cells!

But in reality, lots of people I chat to on Facebook are claiming that this is the end of the world.  I am saddened by this.  I have stuff I still have to do on my bucket list.  I don't have time for the end of the world just yet.  I think I might be suffering from the  "Wolf" syndrome effect.  You see, all my life I have heard:  "Its the END OF TIME..." and it scared me to death.  I can't even count all the times it was suppose to happen and then didn't.  So now when I hear it, I think... "Shut the front door!  I got stuff to DO today!" 

Now, I am not that naïve... I have been reading these wacko's and with the World Wide Web, there is not a short supply to choose from.  I have not heard this on the news.. and I would think it would be on the news..... These days the news will cover a story TO DEATH.  and so far ..... nothing.

So until I hear something on the news, or from a more creditable source then a YouTube Video, I will watch The Bachelorette and hope she doesn't chose my favorite.  That girl is BAD NEWS!

Ya Stupid Idiot

So here's the thing.....You can't post stupid things on social media and then get butt hurt when you get called out for it.  I mean a box a cheerios is smarter. 

Fat Ass

I think I am a sweet acholic!  Not as in a nice person one but as in a candy, cookies, cake one.  I need Triple A... Not AA (Alcohol Anonymous) ... I need the actual truck that can haul my fat ass places I need to go! :)

January 31, 2015

Turning 50

Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.

January 30, 2015

I'm a little miffed.

Mother Nature is having some sort of power struggle with Spring and in the process it is effecting my business.  I have had to open my center later in the morning then I would like to, but because the weather is so bad, I worry about my staff getting to work without issues.  I am a business owner and as such I have a right to decide if I should be open or closed due to inclement weather.  Now I understand some people don't have the kind of job or the boss that allows much flexibility, but more times then not if you explain you have to be late because your daycare is not going to open on time because of the weather, they will understand.  Most times the parent love to use it as an excuse to keep off the crazy roads themselves.  And if your boss won't bend, you use your back up plan.... Snowstorms don't usually surprise us.