March 1, 2016

The BUCK STOPS with you

I just took a quiz that said:

"Most minimum wage jobs are meant to develop experience, not support a family."

As a business owner I agree.  I pay well above minimum wage to most and it's still not enough to support a family.  The cost of living is too high for one income regardless what people do we change this? When does it stop being the employers issue on ' not paying enough'?

Know your spending limits.

February 7, 2016


I love this game... My dad made this for me and my family.  We play it often at family events. Nothing says family like eating dessert, drinking coffee and playing aggravation.  And we think about him every time we play it.

January 28, 2016

My friends do not have gray hair!!!

It ain't right and I am going to color your hair when you sleep if you post one more picture of yourself with gray hair!  STOP THE MADNESS!!!!  We are still young!  Go out kicking and screaming, but NOT GRAY!

July 9, 2015

Straigten up Ya BLog!

What do you mean "Whoops!  There's an error"!  There should not be an error on my blog.  I haven't been on it enough lately to screw it up!  Last time it wouldn't let me load my blog and I could never figure it out, so I bought a new computer.  I sure hope I don't have to keep doing that!   I really don't have anything to say, but the idea of having to jump hoops to get my blog to work makes me want to check it every 10 minutes to see if maybe it was just a server but it has been 24 hours.  So I might be on before too long! lol