October 6, 2019

The Czech Fest 2019

We took the cousins to the carnival last night and we had a blast!  The bigger kids  are the only ones that got to ride things, but I think the little kids liked being part of the lights.This is the first year that All but Sammi went to a carnival and even Benji rode the rides and he is our cautious one!  I could hear the screaming on the little dragon roller coaster from all of them!  I love spending time with my growing little family.

September 30, 2019

Here Squirrelly, Squirrelly, Squirrelly...

I don't know why I got a squirrel as part of my fall decorations... I don't think of squirrels as a fall thing.  Especially since I had a few of them living in my backyard before and they mainly put in an appearance during the spring and summer months.  Regardless, I saw it at Kirkland's and thought: what a cute little decoration....  

Toby, (my dog), did not share in my enthusiasm.  

The first day, he tried to size up this beast from the wild, sitting on his fireplace holding what seemed to be food.  He barked while jumping toward it like he was some bad ass, ninja fighting, super hero dog... only to fall short and  cower backwards to bark at it again from a safer distance...

(one step forward... there steps back).

After about a day or two of this strange dance off, he seemed to notice the squirrel was showing no interest in him, and that it was not edible food he was holding,  Toby finally calmed down and got use to the idea and decided to leave him alone, but not without a couple of sideways glances from across the room... just for good measure.  

For the most part he seems to have forgotten about him....Until I make the squirrel chase him around  making growling noise.  

Squirrel 234
Toby 0

September 29, 2019

Why you walking like a zombie down the isle?

You ever get behind someone that drives slow or takes forever to turn making you have to practically come to a dead stop?  Try shopping behind a woman who acts like shes the only one with that isles right of way.

The. Entire. Isle

Today while doing my weekly shopping, I get behind a women pushing the big blue kid cart.  So this thing is wide and extra long.  She has one kid in it and the kid is talking his head off and the mom is just agreeing to agree... she obviously isn't listening to him.  And she is obviously not aware of me behind her as she lollygags her way not only down the isle but from side to side so that I can't even move past her.

That was the longest isle of my life!

Just as we reach the end I think I can squeeze around her to go the opposite direction even though I needed to go the way she was turning, another person came in that way making me get back right behind her and guess what?  ....

Yeah!  She stopped to get cookies at the END CAP! 

As soon as I was able to get around her I went back to my shopping, but I avoided her and turned the opposite direction every time I saw her!