February 12, 2020

Rise and Shine

Every week day of the damn week it is pitch black in my room.  I have to get up and open the curtains just to have some light.  Most days I don’t wanna get out of bed  because of this.  Today Saturday… the light is shinning in on my face at 7:30 a.m. !!  Where is the pitch black window today? The one day I could’ve slept in!

February 11, 2020

3:00 A.M.

I'ts 3:00 in the morning and I am wide awake.  The reason?    I took a 2 hour nap on the couch after work.  I didn't even know I was tired.  Dennis and I have been watching Shameless and he was getting caught up with where I was so I just dozed right off.  Now I'm awake and getting far ahead of him again. .....

I see a vicious cycle forming.

February 9, 2020


Friday was my birthday and my Facebook was lit up all day with notifications from my friends! Thank you so much for making my birthday more awesome then it had a right to be! 55 is a crazy age man! When did this happen!? Why do I still feel like I’m suppose to be 23!?! Well none of us get out of this alive so I’m gonna rock my 55th year and count my blessings! Concentrate on improving and be glad I’m still here to enjoy life! Thank you for making me feel special

February 8, 2020

Ideas gone Blank....

Every day I have something to say.  I have valid points to make and I talk to myself in the car!  Then, at night when the house is quiet, I get giddy with the idea that I can finally sit down and play on my blog only to realize my mind is completely clear... except for the sounds of crickets!

I even jot down notes throughout the day, or tell them to my apple watches microphone, but then can't understand them or can figure out what the root of the idea was.....

I need a better system.