March 15, 2020

Learned behavior

I have slept for 55 years, that's 20,075 nights of sleeping. that I woke up just fine. Slept on my right, on my left... on my back and on my stomach...  But ONE time I wake up with Vertigo thats originates from my left ear,  and I vow to never sleep on my left side again! But I sleep so good on my left side!

And no, I don't have vertigo.. but PTSD keeps me sleeping on my right!

March 14, 2020

RIding in the Truck with Dennis

Dennis and I went to the daycare today to put together a climber for the toddler classroom.  We had to wait until they were done laying the carpet and we had to cut off the doors so they would shut.  I start to get into my car and Dennis motions to his truck

Dennis: No we can go together.

Me: But what if I a ready to leave and you aren't.  What if you are ready to go and I'm not!   

Dennis: Then we do what I want to do.

March 13, 2020

No Baby Boom in 2021

I heard it say that with everyone being secluded in their homes we would see a rash of new babies born early next year.  After thinking about that I have to disagree. 

People are buying up all the toilet paper, germX, cleaning supplies, can goods and meat they can get their hands on.  I was surprised that list didn't include Fake nails, fake eye lashes, and box hair color kits!  These men aren't going to recognize their wives in a month and I predict the divorce rate will go up!  Noone wants to be married to an ugly woman!

Peak... Can this be over then?

They are predicting we will reach “peak” in 4 weeks.... this is when you will start seeing cases close to home, friends, family, self. You need to have nessessary things. YOU and your family needs to be able to stay at home for a month.  

I am putting together a panel of medical professionals from our client base to keep us informed of factual information and that have our centers best interests at heart.  I do not want to close but they feel that it may be inevitable at some point.  Question is when and for how long.  I am a business.  It will be very hard to close and stay closed for a long duration.  So we need to be diligent in personal hygiene  and cleanliness of the classroom.  

There may be a time when you need to only go to work and home..... to try and keep exposure down.  If I have several teachers out then we can’t stay open.  So that is one of my concerns..... having teachers get this and just not able to meet radios.  Things we will start doing on Monday.... Wellness check upon arrival.  Anyone with a fever will not be able to stay.  Anyone that looks like they aren’t feeling good or acts sleepy and coughs a lot or seems to be wheezing... They can not return until they don’t have a fever without medicine for 23 hours and are otherwise symptom free.  Everyone wash their hands upon arrival.  

Make ages 2 and up use a squirt of hand sanitizer about every hour.  Clean toddlers hand after every diaper use as well as before and after they eat.  LOTS OF HAND WASHING.  Have the kids wipe their own noses and clean their hands afterwards, or you be sure and clean your hands after wiping a nose.  Clean door Nobs and spray with disinfectant during a lot of action of opening and closing of the doors.  Especially during pick up and drop off.  Clean surfaces in your classroom often... open all hall doors in the mornings for drop offs and we will be opening all hallway doors at 3 every day so please keep you kids playing and entertained so they aren’t screaming and crying when parents are picking up.  Our supply office will be locked and we will be keeping count of what you get and when.  Use things you need but don’t waste.  There may be a time we can’t replace them.  I am staying i too of this story and educating myself daily so that I can make good decisions.  We will all get through this .....   3/13/20

March 12, 2020

Pouty McPout Face

What is the deal with grown woman who pout.  Let's forget what a weird looking face it is especially on a grown up, but it's going to give you wrinkles!  I think they are use to using this weapon against their husbands.  And it must work because this has quickly become their "Go to" thing to do with others.  I ignore it and wonder how long it will take for them to stop it, and deal with life like a grown person.  I should sell tickets to the show though... cause it's funny to watch them have the realization that it's not working on everyone else  like they wanted it to.  Husbands do us all a favor and teach your wives how to deal with their feelings in a real world setting. She may be queen of your castle, but the kingdom is full of castles.