September 2, 2020

While you were sleeping....

While the “NEWS” is focused on Nancy’s hair ... real people are not working, going without, recovering from the Hurricane-Fires-Floods-Riots, and even CV.  

Still don't like the president?❤️๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’™

Do you dislike that he made cruelty to animals a FELONY? Do you dislike he gave billions to stop the opioid crisis? He destroyed ISIS, killed how many terrorists without going to war and ohh wait everyone said we’d be in World War III by now with North Korea? Largest producer of oil? Do you dislike him because he wanted to build a wall to keep criminals and drug from coming in? Do you dislike him Because he just slashed the price for medications and some cases 50% which is driving big Pharma nuts? Do you dislike that he signed a law ending the gag-order on pharmacists that prevented them from sharing money-saving options on prescriptions? Do you dislike that he signed the Save Our Seas Act which funds 10 million per year to clean tons of plastic and garbage from the ocean? Do you dislike that he signed a bill for airports to provide breast-feeding stations for nursing moms? Do you dislike that he signed the biggest wilderness protection and conservation bill in a decade designating 375,000 acres as protected land? Do you dislike that he loves America and puts Americans first? Do you dislike that he made a gay man the ambassador of Germany and then asked him to clean up national security and unclassified as much of it as possible for transparency? Do you dislike that he’s kept almost every campaign promise (with ZERO support from Congress who work against him daily!) plus 100 more promises because Washington was much more broken than he thought? Do you dislike like that he works for free, donating his salary to different charities? Do you dislike that he’s done more for the black community than every other President? Do you dislike that he listened to senator Scott and passed Invest In Opportunity Zones to help minorities? Do you dislike that he passed prison reform, which gives people a second chance and has made quite a huge difference for the black communities? Do you dislike that he passed VA reforms to benefit the very people who served our country and defend our freedom? Do you dislike that he’s winning and signing new trade deals that benefit Americans, instead of costing us more? Do you dislike that he loves his flag and his country? Do you dislike that he calls out and has shown all of us that they ARE Fake News, and they twist the truth to control and mislead the people and he is trying to protect us from this? Do you dislike that he’s ending wars? Do you dislike that he has made a commitment to end child-trafficking and crimes against humanity and has made 1000’s of arrests already? Do you dislike he’s brought home over 40 Americans held captive, the last one from Iran? Do you dislike that he’s proven he was right about the Deep State and he was spied on? Do you dislike that he was a Billionaire before he ran for President and now is worth at least 1/3 less... because he loves America THAT MUCH? Do you dislike that he’s making the world pay their fair share for the UN for protection? Do you dislike that he respects cops, veterans, ICE & First Responders? Do you dislike that he does not sell out America to other countries, like the leaders prior to him have done? Could it be possible that the ones who SELL OUT America to line their pockets OWN THE MEDIA AND HOLLYWOOD and hate him so much for trying to expose them and hate him for putting the PEOPLE first that they manipulate our thinking and control the information we get to steer US to hate him? These people benefit when you hate the man trying to stop them... so they won’t have to give up the wealth they have gotten and continue to get thru mass taxation and control. Wouldn’t you at least want to RESEARCH this possibility? Could 65,000 Americans already know the TRUTH... that he has done more for blacks in the last 20 years than our last 5 Presidents put together and is actually NOT a racist but you believe he is because it has been drilled into your head and yet you’ve never researched his accomplishments? You can start by watching those daily briefings he did during the lockdown (all on line) and then watching the coverage on the Main Stream Media and how they twisted it. Do you actually believe the President encouraged America to inject bleach? Did you research the effects of UV LIGHT which is used to disinfect SCHOOL BUSES and medical equipment and is also being used as a treatment for bacteria and respiratory infections by injecting it into humans (search Healight but don’t use Google... they are part of the Deep State and manipulate what we see! And they sell our info, which is why you see merchandise pop up the day after you searched for something! Use Duckduckgo)!!! They want you to believe he is stupid because if you figure out that he isn’t, they will lose billions of dollars and all their control. I know... it is hard to let go of what you believed to be true for most of your life. You are not alone. But your blind hatred of this man who is literally trying to save us from the far Left, radical Socialists is going to be detrimental to our country if you continue to support their hatred. They are teaching hatred and separation... even in families! You are not allowed to agree with “part” of their agenda and think for yourself; you must repeat their FULL belief system or name-calling and insults ensue... this is the definition of a cult! All or nothing! They despise LAW AND ORDER. Just look around you. He supports it, so we are safe and can live in a civilized society. He stands for unity and America first.

You will be amazed at how much more peace comes into your life when you turn off the fake news and turn on the true America, where we focus on what unites us, not what divides us. The media hates him from day one. Impeachment was on the table before he was elected. Impeach the mother Fuc#^*r but his rhetoric is bad? He’s never given a chance yet he’s done more in 4 years than any president with zero help from the media or democrats. Results don’t lie onto the radical left.

How dare he care so much about America. Love it or leave it.

Do your research... I have!

I Copied/pasted will you??

All of these are verifiable things Trump has done! )copied and pasted 

Meanwhile twit Nancy shows us stockpiles of ice cream and gets her hair done... any it makes the local and National NEWS.

September 1, 2020

Spending time with the grandsbabies

We had the grandbabies this weekend.  We had Wakely Sammi and Danny.  I enjoyed their company even if I work like a dog while they are here. 

Dennis stresses out ,  which stresses me out, but he’s very helpful but he’s also anxiety and out he has such high anxiety whenever he can’t move about and do what he wants to do and he wants to do it it’s just too much for him I think. 

Which is really sad because he doesn’t really get to enjoy them. He kept wanting to make them watch TV and I was like they’re not watching TV except for right before they take a nap and right before they go to bed ... just to have them calm down... otherwise I kept them pretty busy.  

We played outside, we played in the water, we played inside, we did some crafts, we watched a movie... the same movie I might add the whole entire weekend over and over. Danny’s potty training and doing so well he had two accidents the entire weekend and both were on Friday night I think he was just too excited to be here. 

Sammi and Wakely got along for the most part.  Every once in a while they would have a little Tift which I wouldn't  let  Dennis๐Ÿ’• step in to referee.  THey need to learn to work it out themselves... and for the most party they did.

Danny and Sammi however went back-and-forth with: 

I did not 
yes you did 
I did not 
yes you did 

it was hilarious I even videotaped it.

But when it was time to take them home on Sunday and then the other two to Daycare on Monday I was somewhat exhausted and ready for a small break!  

But then  on Monday night when I came home to an empty house I missed them!

August 27, 2020

Decades of Unknown Training

Advice to Parents:  
Parenting tip 122

Don’t be the parent that stays in the background. This is how children can be lost in the system that’s already failing. Don't be afraid of embarrassing your child with your efforts.  That is part of the job and as added bonus, it's one of the perks!  If you begin when they first go to school..they won't know the difference.

Be the mother that knows the teacher, that knows the principal and shows up and volunteers for parties.  Get to know the kids and as many of the other mothers you can.  Be the one that will help build the new library, or sew the costumes for the school play.  The one that keeps score at the game or brings the juice boxes for half time.  Be the mom that travels for the games or event taking several friends with them,  and hosts that extra practice at your house.  

Kids are not the only ones that need to know whos corner your in. So does the school.  Be that parent that makes a difference and holds others accountable.  Trust me... they see you.  They know who you are and they need you to hold them accountable.

You won't regret it.  All the time you have spent at your child's school. All those weekend trips driving 5 hours and staying in a hotel room just to see a 2 minute routine.  All those football games that you don't get home from until 5 in the morning.   Sitting around the kitchen counters eating favorite snacks at 4 a.m talking about the day... It's worth it.

Knowing your children, their friends and the work they put in every day is building a very strong individual.

Years from now when your kids are having kids of their own, you will find solace in the fact that you were there every step of the way not only giving them support, but teaching them how to be a parent of a child that is involved with activities. Because you are training them to take the best care of your most favorite people in decades...  Your grandchildren.

August 16, 2020

I'm Indecisive

I don’t know man... I keep looking at my blog thinking I need to change it but then I think... it is really kind of cute. 
Does anybody really see it anyway or is it just me? 

I guess it doesn’t really matter I enjoy doing it it’s a great venting tool.  Through all the BS stories I write sometimes you find a few with meaning.  Or that are mean.  It is a venting tool after all.

I just wanted to look cute. So maybe I’ll change the format ... maybe I won’t... maybe I’ll change the background... maybe I won’t.  

I guess in order to find out you just have to keep coming back. 

August 8, 2020

Investing your Time Wisely

Everybody’s worried about where they invest their money.   That’s reasonable since you have to have money to survive, but what about investing your time?  What about your time? If you don’t invest your time in relationships you don’t have relationships. 

And you don’t get to do over.  It’s like anything else with life, there’s a small window for building relationships with people and if you don’t take advantage of it, you don’t get another chance.

Sometimes, the only time you have is 'right now'.
You think you might have tomorrow,  hope you might have next year, and pray that you’ll have many years to come... but what if you don’t?  

What did you to do today to invest in a relationship with someone that you care about? 

It’s more than just sitting around a table or seeing somebody on holidays.  It’s more than just calling someone on the phone or sending them a birthday greeting.

It’s about spending a little little moments with somebody... it’s the extra mile you go for somebody... Its about making them feel they are important and they matter.