December 15, 2020

2020 in a single picture

These were clients of mine back in the day.  She is a photographer and this picture cracked me up!  I had to share it.  For future reference it is showing off working from home, the ice storm and losing power for days, even weeks, kids not at school, toilet paper shortage wearing masks, Election year!  And I love that Joe is not wearing pants for a zoom meeting! LOL

My love .... My life

I have fallen in love with my husband again.  

Or maybe still..  

I don't know, but I can't be around him enough.  See him enough.  Kiss him enough!  I miss him every day and I get excited when he calls or drops by work.

Is this normal?  Does this happen in real life?

27 years we have been together.  And I truly love him so much more now then I ever have.

I hold his hand when we sleep, and catch my self doing little things to make him smile.

He laughs at my dumb ass every day.  He makes me laugh every day!  He helps out with every aspect of our life from unloading the dishwasher to mowing acres of our yards.

He has been a very good father to our children.  He loves these grandbabies and enjoys spending time with them.  He even plays BIG DINASOUR!  

How sexy is that?

He is my love and my life.  

December 14, 2020


Life Choices

Yesterday, I was talking to my mother about an old friend of mine and her circumstances.  How her life has turned out.  I am always feeling sorry for her and trying to motivate her to make better choices when my mother said something deep and profound to me that got me to thinking. 

"You started out even."

Oh I have no doubt my friend would disagree, it still doesn't mean it's not a true statement to a degree.

We both started out young & living with  our parents.
We both had parents that where NOT wealthy.
We both had access to extended family.
We started out with a public education from school and a chance to go to college, which she did and I didn't. (until later)
We started out with minimum wage jobs, with shitty boyfriends, with our own cars, and with our health.

When my mom said "you started out even" it made me stop and think... did we? My friend always thinks I had it easier.  Easier?  Maybe... but better?  Lets compare:

I had two parents that were both working... 
    she had two parents, only one was working. But that meant she had a mom that was at home and cooking and cleaning and there to take care of her.  My mom worked and I cooked dinner about 3 nights a week for my dad. 

My parents that did not drink.  
    Her parents drank.

We both had siblings. Hers was younger.  Mine were older and not at home any longer... Plus I had nieces and nephews.

I had parents that I could rely on.  
    She had parents she could rely on.

Both of our families lived in the same income sized house, and neither well off. 

Both of our parents had friends.
Both of our parents had the freedoms of religion. which meant at my house we did a lot of church things and I was part of a church youth group and raised by many on lookers.

Everything in those comparisons are choices.  Do you go left or do you go right?  Do you take the easy path or do you take the hard path? Do you go to college, do you get married, do you have kids.... choices are endless and so are the paths.

My thought process is this.... We will always be the product of choices that were made, some of them ours, some of them our parents and some made by someone we put in our lives. You can’t compare your life to others, or assume because they are in a better place it is because of some advantage they had.  Some people work very hard to achieve things.  We drag ourselves out of bad marriages and we raise children alone.  We bury our parents, we lose friendships and we move miles away from our loved ones.  Everyone has missed, achieved and blessed opportunities.    

But the good thing about choices is, there's always another one coming around the corner giving you another chance to make a better life.

December 10, 2020

That's A Wrap!!

I finished my Christmas shopping today.  Never went to a store.  I am so laying low.... so low!!! I could be the queen of the limbo contests!  Usually this time of year, I am out and about and buying all kinds of things.  But this year I am doing everything online.  I just don't want to catch this darn virus!  

All the gifts should arrive by the 15th and then I can relax.  How is it that men don't have to shop?  Dennis walked in the house yesterday and said.  I am finished with all my Christmas shopping!   He only buys for me!  Must be nice! lol Why is it just my job to do this?  It's stressful!  At any rate.. for Christmas 2020 I am done!