March 27, 2021

I'm proud of us!

BOOM!  Dennis and I got our 2nd Covid Vaccine today.  I am happy we are both doing what we can to help stop this horrible virus.  My arm hurts like a BITCH... but it's a small price to pay if it keeps us from spreading this thing.  I have said it more then once.  If you're not part of the solution, your part of the problem.

*Note I set this blog to the date and time I got the second vaccine.  Cool touch.

March 23, 2021

Lolly Life


Evelyn the Magnificent

 This one is THE one. In this picture she is demanding my attention.

She is not graceful with her request yet, as you can tell.
She's the ONE you have to know where she is at all times. Then you have to check to be sure she is still there. It's its quiet... you're too late. Just pack your bags and go home. You have failed!
She is the one that can be in two places at the same time. She moves faster then a ninja and can draw in a black permanent marker faster then you can whistle. She is petite, but her voice is big. She hasn't learned personal space yet and there is no time for long hugs. She's too busy!
If you have food... she has food. If you have gum, you need to share it with her. If she finds a toy she likes. It becomes hers for the duration. Don't touch it. EVER! If you tell her to sit, she does for a second... then you are looking for her again.
She will always have a purse, play phone and a lovey nearby. And if you even look at it like you are going to touch it, you will recoil in fear before she is done with you.
Our Evvee is an awesome kid. You just have to be one step ahead of her or you are left in the dust!

March 13, 2021

Spring Forward my ass!

We are losing an hour tonight!
Why can't we lose that shit during the work week!?!?

Circle of Life

This is a picture of my daddy. He would have been the oldest in our family. The other picture is my grandboy and currently the youngest of my family. It's a true picture of The circle of life. I am sad that my grandchildren will never get to know this wonderful man that walked this earth before them, laying the path to their existence. I will do my best to love my grandchildren for not only myself but for him. He would have loved them all. Life goes on.