May 10, 2022

There is no pleasing me.

I don’t want to be by myself, but I want to be left alone.  My marriage allows me this luxury.  I have a pretty low maintenance husband.  He has allowed me creative time, quiet time, cleaning time, entertainment time…. He is always a close but never bothersome. Is that normal?  Or normal for us?

February 24, 2022

I smell cinnamon rolls

Dennis made cinnamon rolls for breakfast while I was still in bed.  Once they were done he came in the bedroom and kept saying:  

Dennis:  Come on….Get up….Come on.

Me: I am…. Stop talking to me like I’m a dog! 🤣

Dennis: I’m not!  ðŸ˜˜ I’m talking to you like my beautiful wife!

Good save Dennis!

December 7, 2021

Think of me

Today while working my granddaughter Sammi brought me a present. 

But the story goes back further after all who wants a one line story? Couple weeks ago I made blankets for all the grandkids. I realized that I had made Sammi‘s blanket like the boys and I didn’t want her to be the only girl that didn’t have the fluffy blanket. So I bought new material and I made her a second blanket. That left me with not knowing what to do with her first blanket. I thought about giving it to Evelyn so she would have a blanket and a pillow for naptime at daycare but… I had picked out this material specifically for Sammi, it was purple with unicorns and rainbows and stars and snowflakes. All the things she seems to like. When I make the blankets I think of the child I’m making it for and the whole time I made that blanket I was thinking of Sammi so it only seems right that I gave it to her even though that would mean she had two blankets this year . So I took it to work today and when she got home from school I asked her to come to the front office and I gave her the blanket and she loved it. She went back to her class dug around in her backpack came back to me and gave me this bracelet. She said that it was Christmas time and you’re supposed to buy gifts for your family and she had bought me this at school.  She told me it’s a mermaid and when you see her think of me. This rubber bracelet will find a home either on my wrist or in my jewelry box for years to come. What a special and meaningful gift.

December 5, 2021

Sammi & Danni


Weekends go to fast!

 What did I do this weekend that made it go by so damn fast:

  • Changed the sheets
  • Wrapped presents
  • Cleaned out 6 bathroom drawers
  • Swept and cleaned the swimming pool
  • went  grocery shopping for the week
  • Made Potato Soup
  • Updated website
  • Created newsletter
  • Worked on Blog
  • Cross stitched 1 panel for the blanket
  • Cleaned out the car
  • Listened and completed TWO books on Audible (each 5 hours long)
  • Cleaned out the Fridge
  • Cleaned out the Pantry
  • Straightened out my Closet
  • Worked on Blog
  • Did some mending 
  • Took my mom some Christmas decor