January 9, 2023

Let's be real

I always think of myself as a realist.  Yet, 

  • I think I’m going to blog every day…
  • I’m going to read every day.  
  • I’m going to exercise every day… 
  • I’m going to NOT eat sugar every day!  
I wanted to start a podscast two years ago….. still waiting.  

Trying to make me do Daily things are not realistic!  Some days… especially in the last year I’m doing good if I am up dressed and where I need to be for the day. 

So I thought about it and decided maybe I can pull my thoughts together for a weekly insignificant thought. At least by the end of the year I will have save 52 half ass crazy memories on how my brain worked in 2023.  

Yeah right.... Life gets in the way and doing anything besides working to survive is all I can promise to do.

October 5, 2022

I asked Dennis how to spell a word and he looked at me like I lost my mind, and since he had no idea how to spell it, ( and probably doesn't even know what it means ) he said.... Use a different word!

July 14, 2022

Rated R conversation with my husband….

Dennis left to go out with some buddies and forgot his phone… so he called me from his friend‘s phone and told me they were going to the casino after they ate.

Dennis: (teasing me) don’t wait up!   (It was 5 in the evening…the man goes to bed at 8!) 

Me: yeah… well you just be sure to call me befor you head this way.

Dennis: why? 

Me: So I can send my boyfriend home… duh! 😜

Later… phone rings

Dennis:  we’re on our way home. 

Me:  Well shit!  We ain’t done yet!

Dennis: Hell… I would have been done an hour ago!!

Raven:  And that’s why I got a boyfriend!

June 17, 2022

I’m not forgetful!!

Omg I just realized why I don’t inform  people until the last minute about things going on…. I don’t think about it cause it’s not my nature to be gossiping!  This is mind blowing to me.