June 19, 2023

Who raised your racist ass?

What's the deal with all the resistance to acknowledging and honoring Juneteenth? Seriously, what's not to celebrate about the end of slavery? It's high time we have a federal holiday to recognize that monumental triumph. Embracing Juneteenth doesn't mean we're abandoning our culture; we're actually enriching it. And for those of you who think Juneteenth is dumb...You either need to educate yourself, find better influential friends to spend your time with, or slap the racist that raised you.

June 16, 2023

Good Old Days

 I have been on  Tubi kick lately.  You ever watch that app?  It's free and has the best old wholesome shows on it.  I have watched Family and Eight is Enough.  Soap and so many other shows from back when I was a preteen and teenager.  Some shows I watch because my mother wouldn't let me watch them as a kid.  There was nothing wrong with them besides it wasn't for kids, but they weren't like todays shows.  Where have the good shows gone?

April 14, 2023

One Sided Friendships may seem pointless.... however.....

 I can't stand those clichéd quotes about "cutting out negative people" and "walking away from joy-stealers." They may make sense, but they come off as self-centered and selfish. I mean, we've all just survived two incredibly tough years. Some people have coped better than others, dealing with depression or loneliness. And let's be real, you don't have to completely cut off your friends to protect yourself. Sometimes, they just want to be around someone positive, someone who reassures them that everything will be okay. Instead of always focusing on how they affect you, think about the impact you can have on them. So let's be a positive force in their lives, too!