July 16, 2023

No Bull Shit!

You know you live in Oklahoma when a cow licks your truck while you’re at work.  He didn’t want Dennis to get out of the truck, and Dennis told him not to worry… he wouldn’t! 

Flowers are meant to be wild

Today I’m looking at flowers that we planted outside and how pretty they are.  I think it’s cruel to cut them just to bring color to a table or a seat inside. We literally kill the flower for our own desires.  That’s horrible. 

Whoa! How did we survive our own kids?

Last night, we hosted our first boys night campout with four of our grandboys. (Finnian is still too little) Let me tell you, it was no walk in the park having those little rascals in our formerly empty nest. Dennis was needed to hit the pipe!  One on one they are great, sweet and well behaved kids... but they feed off each other and form a gang that we aren't in control of! lol  

We set up a tent, roasted marshmallows, and went swimming in the pool. We even had a blast playing in the yard after dark and watching a movie, complete with a massive stash of snacks. The boys seemed to have a blast, but let me tell you, this once-a-year shindig is a serious reminder of why we limit our hosting duties. Dennis swears that girls are a piece of cake compared to boys. Maybe he's onto something there.

Our New Crew


These two are 2 weeks apart.  They are only 5 & 7 weeks old here and already I can see their personalities coming through!