August 5, 2023

Matthew's Walks by Goldie Hawn

My son calls me today while he is vacationing in Colorado.  

Matthew: Mom!  You know how famous people come to Aspen to hang out and stuff???  I just saw your favorite actress!  You know!  The one that has a daughter that's an actress too!
Me: Who?
Matthew: I don't remember her name.
Me:  How should I know if I should be excited or not???
So he sends me a picture but it doesn't download.  We talk some more about what he's doing while on vacation then we hang up. 

He calls back 10 minutes later.

Matthew: Mom!  I'm in an Art gallery... and the art here is amazing!  Remember how you told me you would buy me a picture for my entry way wall?  Well..... I found one.  Its the most beautiful painting I've ever seen!  

Meanwhile, the picture he sent me earlier finally loads and it's freaking Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson!!

Me:  OMG! You saw Goldie Hawn and Katie Hudson on the street!?!

Matthew: Yeah,  I walked right by them. I wanted to go back but I left them to live their life.  Anyway...... It's Only $65,000.00!  Can you Venmo me some money? 
Me: 😕 what?

Matthew:  For the picture I found in the art gallery!
Me: 🤣 You gonna use the $25.00 I send you on Venmo, to put that thing on layaway?!?!   Silly boy! Get your ass out of that store and shop somewhere that's more your speed! 

We hang up and I go about my day.  Phone rings again and it's Matthew.

Matthew:  Hey mom.  I'm at a thrift store....

August 3, 2023

Two Old Farts

I've been struggling with a foot spur, limping around for the past 2 weeks. But today, Dennis injured his back in a seemingly innocent way - by just turning around in the laundry room! Our neighborhood has been dealing with power surges that mess up our A/C, so after Dennis fixed it in the attic, he asked me for help to close the attic door. He's walking with a hunch, and I'm walking with a swagger. We joked about getting older, and he even said it might be time for us to consider living in an assisted living center.

August 2, 2023

I Beg Your Pardon!!!

Laying by Sammi as she played on her tablet...

Me:  guess I’ll take a little nap.
Sammi: no lolly I don’t want you to sleep.  
Me:  why?!?
Sammi: because you make noises when you sleep!
Me: what kind of notices!!!
Sammi: 😴😴😴😴loud ones!

August 1, 2023

Diets Sucks

Eating clean has its perks but I would rather have chocolate!  I’m 57!  What do I care what my weight is!  I like comfort food! Give me a big ole greasy Cheeseburger or some fried chicken legs!  O well…. We are what we eat, right? So basically, I look like a carrot stick right now. #healthylifestyle