January 23, 2024

Words to live by


life isn't easy, and you have no idea what other folks are experiencing.

Your truth is yours. Leave space for someone else’s too.

Trust in people.

Believe in what you can't see.

Know that the world is an inherently beautiful place.

Believe that you are exactly as you're supposed to be.

Trust your journey.

Be a force of good to others.

And for the love of all things holy, be kind.

Recommandations pour les patates de canapé

Avez-vous regardé Emily à Paris ? C'est une jolie émission sur Netflix que j'ai regardée. Si vous avez le temps, vous devriez le vérifier. Au revoir

January 22, 2024

Silver Lining

Discovering the reality of aging has been quite the journey for me. My body has slowed down and started to stumble, betraying the youthful spirit that used to define me. It's a constant battle as my hormones run rampant and my joints ache in different places every day.

Even something as simple as reading has become a challenge. My deteriorating eyesight blurs the words on the page, making it impossible to fully enjoy a good book without the inevitable drowsiness taking over before the next chapter.

And memory? Well, opening a door seems to wipe away my thoughts like magic, leaving me with a frustrating sense of confusion.

To make matters worse, I can no longer indulge in the carefree eating habits of my youth. The days of stuffing my face without consequence are long gone. Where did that ability disappear to? I find myself yearning to wake up and stuff my face with a chocolate Pop tart and drinking a refreshing coke, but those days are behind me.  And we won't talk about the weight gain regardless of having to eat much healthier.

First, I had to give up caffeine due to heart palpitations. Then, alcohol joined the list of forbidden indulgences because of the relentless heartburn it caused. But nothing compares to the struggle of cutting back on ice cream. And don't even get me started on what milk does to me now...

Yet, in the face of these challenges, I have come to realize the importance of accepting the natural process of aging. It's true, you can dye your hair and get plastic surgery to maintain a youthful appearance, but your body won't feel young. The overactive bladder, achy joints, imbalanced hormones - they don't discriminate based on looks. And what's the point of looking 35 with a killer body if your nightly routine consists of going to bed at 8 and your main interests are limited to Netflix and chilling?

So, my ultimate message is this: love yourself through it all. Many didn't make it this far, and even though aging can be uncomfortable and not at all what you had planned for your golden years, at least we have the joy of grandchildren as a silver lining in this journey.

January 21, 2024


Finding the Humor..... Our Podcast is COMING.........Jimmy! Stop with the Yellow Pillow!

Our pod cast "Finding the Humor" is still on the way... Took some detours, cause that's how we roll....Our set is done.....but the yellow pillow and the orange blanket are becoming the props that won’t go away!!! We have to get the intro music and we bought the stuff to dress the set!  Then it’s record time!  We have over 40 episode ideas and several guest coming on board!  

Humor is a powerful tool that can bring people together and help us cope with difficult situations. From corny jokes to witty observations, humor has the ability to make us laugh even in the toughest of times. In today's fast-paced world where stress and anxiety seem to be the norm, it's important to find ways to inject some humor into our lives. 

We'll talk about day to day issues and then find the funny side of things.  Finding the humor can lead to better relationships, improved health, and overall happiness. So come along on this journey as we discover the importance of laughter and how it can help us navigate through life's ups and downs. Stay tuned!