March 3, 2024

Mom Shaming...

Have we reached a parenting low, or is it just me? Moms are too busy perfecting their fake lashes and scrolling through social media to hear their kids' cries. Dare to point this out, and they play the "offended" card, labeling you a mom shamer! Is telling the truth about harmful parenting now off-limits? Does "mom-shaming" shield moms from taking responsibility when their actions harm their children? While some worry about borders and politics, I'm fretting over the silent victims of struggling mothers who are missing the mark on motherhood!

Moms have found a sneaky loophole in parental duties – handing an iPad or game remote to keep the kids entertained. The fridge might be packed with sugary, preservative-loaded snacks, but are kids learning how to socialize? As moms aim for TikTok stardom, their kids might end up in a sugar-induced coma. Screens have become babysitters, leaving no space for real conversations. Are children being raised or simply tolerated? We already know the answer. That's what's sad.

February 15, 2024

Which Came First? Procrastination or Stress? It's a vicious cycle I can't break

Some might say I'm the reigning champion of "I'll do it later" land, with a gold medal in procrastination. Truth be told, this habit turns me into a bit of a stress-ball. You might think that intentionally turning my life into a pressure cooker sounds like a recipe for disaster, but surprise—it's actually my secret sauce for brilliance!

See, without the adrenaline rush of a looming deadline, my productivity is pretty much a sleepy sloth. Yes, I’m aware of my tasks and where I need to be, but somehow, the motivation plays hide and seek with me—and it's really good at hiding. Time? Oh, that slippery little thing means nothing to me, making my day-to-day a juggling act where I'm constantly dropping the balls.

I keep pondering if there'll come a day when I ditch this merry-go-round for a more straight-laced approach to tasks.

Procrastination and stress, the dynamic duo that somehow gets me to the finish line—albeit looking like a mad scientist who's just had a eureka moment after days of no sleep. The plot twist? The pressure cooker method, while slightly bonkers, turns out to be my strange muse.

February 6, 2024

I’m in mourning

Today is my last day of being 58.  I have not like these last years of my 50’s.  My health is declining, I can feel it.  I take 4 prescriptions now and I’m losing what looks I had. My hair is on its last leg and my body aches somewhere new every day. 

 I feel like I have had a good life.  I have been my own boss for 32 years of my career. The career that was forced on me as a single mother. I have been able to support a family with its income most years.  I was lucky enough not to have to do it alone. 

I have raised 3.5 kids with pretty good values and to be productive members of society… at least I have cut the apron strings. I’ll let you decide who the .5 is. 😉 

I could have done things differently…. I would have in hindsight… but it is what it is now.  We work to play and we play to work.  Not many get a free ride. I’m not ready to enter my 60’s but if it means I leave these nasty 50’s behind then it might be worth it! 

This thing's going to out live me!

When I bought this plant... like five or six years ago, it was a little bitty, and a tiny little pot.  I thought "oh this is really cute." I had a great place for it to ad a little color to the kitchen... and you know with my luck with plants, I would only have it for a couple months, then it would die, and then I’ll get something else to go there. Nope! Dennis started taking care of it and we have had it now for six years!!! We’ve had to re-pot it twice, and it looks like it needs it again! I got quit buying plants. 

January 31, 2024

Sammi (grand baby #3) came to the daycare after school wearing her “100 days of school” outfit, and then she told me that she dressed like I did when I was in school! 😳😳😂😂 Maybe 32 years of childcare hasn't aged me so well!