January 15, 2012

Those Stupid Open Ends

So busy and so many open ends.  I hate open ends!  I like everything tied up and neatly tucked where it goes.  EVERYTHING has meaning, a purpose and a place!  Too much to do  and not enough space!  AUHHG!  I am waiting on everything... Calls, land... money... sales... people.. Always waiting... I HATE WAITING.  I am the type that thinks... decides.... reacts!  I dont' know when that happened.  When I became an assertive person instead of the procrastinator!  Use to, I would never turn in my work at school, and wait until the last possible moment to go where ever it was I needed to be, getting there late or whatever.. WHO CARED!?  Now, I am always chomping at the bit to be done with an idea before it is completely thought out! So here I sit... waiting... and let me say that once the idea goes from paper to soil... it better not drag or I will crack a whip!

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