June 26, 2012

What Moment Would You Touch Again

'Its been said that we just don’t recognize the significant moments of our lives while there happening…we grow up complacent with ideas or things or people and we take them for granted an its usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you realize how wrong you’ve been…that you realize how much you really need it…how much you love it.'

Where does it go....
a moment?

Seconds are fast and fleeting and years can hold beginnings, middle and endings.  But what is in a moment? 

When you're in that one moment, it often feels as if that is the only moment that matters... but it's not.   One moment leads to the next and before long you are looking at 10 years of moments gone by.

You don't even realize that you are happy with that moment until your at the another moment in your life that you find yourself unhappy.You look over your life and wish for certain moments back so you can bask in them and enjoy what you already had, but didn't realize it at the time.

My life is full of moments I want to touch again.

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