October 18, 2012

Bitch Fest

Gotta love being in a store and listen to the employees complain about thier jobs. 

I was at Walmart today and heard it all.  I was having some film processed and a manager came to the back to get some "warm bodies" as she called them, up to the front to check.  The girl she was talking to DID NOT want to go back and check.  According to her, she had been doing it for 2 hours! (wonder what an 8 hour day would feel like to her.) She said she had turned her light off and still 5 people came to her registor.  She rolled her eyes and said, "Duh people".   Then she went on to say that she hadnt' had her lunch or her break! (After a 2 hour work day?  She already needs a break and a lunch!?!?!?)

I remembering thinking..... You are lucky to have a job when so many don't and if that we're my employee she wouldn't be lucky anymore! lol