No one likes to grow older, but women seem to fight it more than men do. Botox and girdles... Fake nails and hair extensions. Lipstick that never fades. Secret serum that pulls your skin tight in two minutes! (just dont have any emotions while you wear it.).
We age or we die. It's not rocket science ...those are the choices.... and since death is less appealing to me than aging.... I reluctantly will choose aging.
Sigh ...
Sure, my ass is rounder and my face has lots of laugh lines.... (My own fault for having funny friends right?) I now have to take one a day vitamin for "50 and older", and my glasses have not one!
Not two!
But three different prescriptions in them.
I'm not being dramatic about it either. I'm stating the cold hard facts.
And since I have colored my hair so often, (31 years but who's counting)...I'm not sure what color it actually is anymore, but Im pretty sure that gray is one of the primary new colors.
Everyone wants to be forever young... Or at least young looking.
Truth is you can't beat Mother Nature at what she does best, but the one thing I can do is wear fake Eyelashes!
So I guess long story short:
Doctor visit as you begin to fall apart $52,435.89
Beauty products that don't work $7,345, 727
Waking up with fake eyelashes on... Priceless!