Last Sunday, Dennis and I went to one of our granddaughters birthday parties. You really learn a lot about a person on a road trip. For instants... while trying to load the address of our destination in the road maps we were talking about which way to head out of town. All Roads lead to Rome after all. I thought we should go one way, but he thought we should go another. He said.. well... I go
both ways.
That's something I didn't know about! 25 years with somebody....... ya think you know a person.
He quickly corrected me with a stern look.
After we pick up Matthew and Cole, I break out the snacks. No road trip is complete without snacks. About 30 minutes into the trip, Dennis spots a bug in the car and automatically starts in about all the gnats we have had (2 months ago) and seems to fall into some type of PTSD from the memory and then tells me it's all my fault we have bugs cause I shop at Sprouts!
His theory is... everything that comes from Sprouts brings gnats to the house...He kills the ONE bug in the car and continues to eat the snacks.
Besides his taste in music on our road trips, this man surprises me daily!