March 18, 2020

Poor Choice of an Adjective

Man!!  I can hardly sit cross legged anymore. Every time I get up I feel like I’m gonna fall right over, and I have to walk all hunched over for a good minute to wait for different parts of my body to remember what it's job is.  My thighs hurt... my hips hurt feet are numb.

It’s really weird!  I’ve been sitting like this for 55 years and all of a sudden I can’t do it?

Why is there such a crazy health crisis going on after the age of 50?  Menopause hits... osteoporosis hits... vertigo hits... digestion issues start... high blood pressure... thyroid..... My eyes are worse, my memory is worse, my allergies got worse my shoulders are hurting my feet are swelling I got wrinkles on my face, my boobs are looking sad, my hair is looking sad, even my toe nails looks sad.

How come they call these golden years?   Should be the Black Plague years.  Who the hell decided to use the word GOLDEN for age 50? I want to go throat punch them!