August 5, 2020

Teachable moments

Today I was driving to an appointment when I look over to my right and I see a bunch a little kids with signs that says donate for our football uniforms. Well that’s all good and great but what does that teach our young America? 

What happened to the car washes?  The bake sales?  The yardwork for the elderly?  Why do we think that it is OK to teach our children  to beg for money... because if you’re asking for a donation at the corner of a busy intersection that’s basically what you’re doing.  You are begging for money! 

That does not teach morals
That does not teach any kind of value.

Sports are supposed to bring people together and teach them that hard work and dedication can make you winners.  What they’re teaching the children by having them stand on a street corner with a sign that says donate for our football uniforms is that they don’t have to work for something.  This is what’s wrong with America today!  Quit expecting to get things for nothing. You have to work for what you want.

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