September 4, 2020

It's Starts At Home

Why do black men seem more athletic than white men?  It's a valid question.  There are some great athletes that are all different races, but the black man dominates most sports. 

That's a fact.  There are hundreds of articles covering this very topic. 

I have heard the crazy thoughts that it was because they have extra bones in their feet. LOL  I have heard it's because the black man's ancestors came from slaves and slaves worked hard and so therefore they have the DNA of a stronger breed.  WTF

Here is my thoughts.... Could black men be more athletic and strong because they had a mama that put them in sports to keep them off the streets?  They put them in things that would better themselves to keep them out of trouble and out of gangs.  Maybe that's why we have so many black super athletes.  Because they had a mama who gave a shit whether they succeeded in life or they became a member of a gang. 

It all starts at home.  It doesn't matter what color you are... it all starts at home.  You want to have a successful child?  Be the successful parent.

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