- Don't live paycheck to paycheck! Save money for emergencies. Put money up and don't touch it except for emergencies. It can be all the change you get when you break a bill... and don't use it for cigarettes. Work odd jobs for emergency money... Babysit, do someone's laundry, pet watch. Just knowingly do that for this emergency fund.
- Put Extra food for the cupboard...Food you can fix on the gas stove top or eat cold. Have bread, peanut butter, chips, soups, velveeta cheese, if you have a gas stove, you can make a lot of things. It saves on food and uses the food you have. before it goes bad.
- Have Big blankets and candles ready and have a blow up bed ready for sleeping where the heat is or if company crashes to wait out the storm.
- Have plenty of firewood, enough to burn for at least 3 days and keep it in a dry place.
- Keep your laundry up so you have those comfy Sweats.
- Have flashlights and batteries on hand at all times.
- Have a battery charger ready to give your phone that extra life until you have to find another way to charge it.
- Even water if the pipes freeze up.
- Put some projects aside you can do if you have days to entertain yourself, like creating photo albums, or painting a room. Have puzzles, and games readily available. Netflix on an ipad for a special treat before bed...
- Have instant coffee and a tea kettle.
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