December 22, 2020


Few times in my life I have experienced a feeling of realization. 
  •  When I liked a boy and they didn't like me.  I was use to getting my way and the fact that I couldn't make a boy like me didn't sit well. 
  • When I moved out of my parents house and didn't have the nice things they had.  I realized their stuff really wasn't my stuff.  I was merely borrowing it and would have to buy my own stuff!
  • When I had a sink full of dishes and realized no-one would do those dishes but me.
Not all realizations are bad.  
  • When I realized that I could eat as many kit kats in one sitting as I wanted to and noone could say different. or that I could even buy want I wanted to eat without someone telling me no.
  • I could watch want I wanted or stay up as late as I want to.
41 years ago (1979) I was almost 15 years old and playing ping pong at first Baptist’s west youth group without a care in the world.  It was a day like the others before it.... all my youth friends where there.  It was just  a hangout day.  The church was always doing their part to keep us teenagers occupied and out of trouble, but that day... became MY special day.  All my friends got their special day years before I did.  But I never really seemed to think about it until the day it happened to me.  

Its indescribable what a girl feels once her body crosses that bridge from childhood to womanhood.  It's a time when you feel impowered and unstoppable.  Your life is ahead of you and the choices you make can now have ever lasting effects on the rest of your life.  For some reason, at 15... knowing you are in charge of something that big is monumental.  It's a feeling of realization.

Time moves on and you have children and raise a family and then it just stops. For me that was at the age of 50.  It was another realization that that time in my life is over.  Some women think it means they are less a female because they no longer have that power.  That is their realization.  

My realization is that I can be my 15 year old self again without a care in the world.  

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