July 22, 2023

I'm getting my Ass Kicked

When menopause crashed my party called life, my eyebrows were all like, "Hell No!!"  and abandoned me, leaving me alone to figure out this wacky rollercoaster ride my entire body is on! Everyone knows about the hot flashes but that's not all.  It gets better!  Besides the milk cartons with a picture of my missing eyebrows on them...my hair has ditched its ability to hold a curl and its color is having a serious identity crisis. Some parts decide to grow in gray, others in brown, and some simply refuses to grow at all. And don't even get me started on my skin - not only does it feel as dry as the desert, but it's sporting a whole new texture too. As if that isn't enough, my bladder has declared an all-out war on me, robbing me of a peaceful night's sleep. Oh, and let's not forget about those rebellious hormones, staging a full-scale revolt. But hey, guess who's here to stay, partying it up? Yep, those stubborn fat cells!!  They are hanging around forever and pissing me off!

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