Many young parents cling onto their dreams and hobbies, refusing to let go. Well, I hate to break it to you, but once you have kids, your time is officially over. Say goodbye to "me time"......There is no "me time." in parenthood just like there is no crying in baseball! You aren't even able to sneak off into the bathroom with a crunch bar and a magazine without little fingers sliding around under the door interrupting your peaceful moment and asking you if you are "using it"..... Probably before you finish the candy bar.
So many young parents are not ready to give up on their own dreams or hobbies, but your time is OVER once you start having kids. Sure you can always go back to it... but it should definitely be on pause. It's time to devote the time you aren't working or taking care of the household chores to raising your kids. That means carpools to school, volunteering for parties, coaching little league, making costumes... so many day to day needs just being met... Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks.. Dentist appointments, hair cuts, playdates... again the list is endless.
But there is a silver lining. Enroll your kids in sports, dance, or anything they can thrive in. And here's the solution to having no time with adults.... get involved! Be active and participate alongside them. Meet the other kids parents, tailgate, chaperone... this gives you the leg up to get to know your kids friends too. And who knows, you might discover a hidden talent or passion of your own in the process.
So embrace the chaos, because soon enough, you can go back to your won hobbies and interests... but you can never get back your children's youthful experiences/
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