August 20, 2011

The Effects of Ambience

I am an atmosphere type of girl.  Restraunts, hotels, stores... if it looks good and feels good then I am good.  The new outlet mall is pretty sweet.  I can imagine it at night around Christmas time.  A chill in the air, all the shops adverstising and decorated for Christmas... Christmas music filling the air.  The TeePees are pretty sweet and I love the outdoor dinning at the footcourt that sits close to the fountain.  I am actually excited and look forward to Christmas shopping there.  Everything in one place!  Atmosphere is a powerful drug and it has a powerful pull.  

Something New?

Wanting to make some changes and excited that they might be coming soon!!!!! Ironic however, what the price might be.  It won't bother me... I will love the fact that I have moved with the times...certain people complain and I will admit, when I was in a different circumstance, I would have too... but I don't think you can grow from staying still.  You become stagnet and at this point... I could work somewhere & retire from there and still be young enough to enjoy my life.  Ha! 

Feeling Guilty

ACK!  I can't shake the guilty feeling.  It is ridiculous to have this emotion at this stage in my life.  I have literally worked since I was 15.  I have worked while I was raising two kids by myself, and I have ran a business and worked in the home and volunteered my time, and made all those football games and cheer leading competitions... I have been so busy my whole motherhood life that finally when I can slow down some... I feel guilty.  I love to be home... but I am so on top of things... my house works stays done and I have very little to do.  I feel like I should go back to work, but I dont' really want to work for someone else.  I tried that.  It was LAME!  I think I will try to turn my passions into some money making ideas.  Maybe this way I will feel less guilty about getting to stay home!

Not Welcoming??? lol

My blog is not welcoming?  What? lol  It isnt' suppose to be welcoming... It is suppose to be my VENTING place.  Express concerns or frustrations  it only exsists because I let it! Buahahahahahaahha  My sister is a DORK! lol  But I love her anyway! :)
“Don’t lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It’s okay not to be okay.
Sometimes it’s hard to follow your heart.
But tears don’t mean you’re losing, everybody’s bruising,
There’s nothing wrong with who you are!”