July 2, 2012

Look Ma! No Hands!!!!!

In the words of Kris Keller, "Well..., well..., well!" 

I think my life might unfold a little more neatly now.  I was worried there for a minute! Long story short... I will not be opening a center (as of now anyway).  I got hired on at Yukon High School as the counselor's secretary and I am ESTACITIC about it.  I feel like the kid that wants everyone to see what I can do!!!

Before we moved here, I researched the schools in the area and it didn't take me long to realize where I wanted my son to go to school.  I started subbing so I could somewhat have the same schedule as Matthew.  I know he is older, but that is when the supervision SHOULD NOT STOP! lol I have always been very hands on with my kids, (Duh... daycare...) and I wasn't going to stop now. 

We had first talked about me not working at all until he graduated.  But I tried that.... I CAN NOT not work!  I have discovered that apparently I get very depressed and need to keep busy and feed my mind and my body lots of busy thoughts and energy, or I get into trouble! 

So now, I am blessed to get to work at the High School where my son will be at every day....with really great people that I worked with all last year and with a bunch of kids!!!  I love kids!!!!  Plus.... wait for it.... I get summers off, a spring break... Christmas break... weekends... and days in between!  My kind of job!!  Oh and I will be home by 4 every day!  WOOT WOOT!

Rainy Days and Mondays.... Hits home doesn't it?

"Talking to myself and feeling old.... Sometimes I'd like to quit, nothing ever seems to fit.  Hanging around nothing to do but frown... Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

What I got they use to call the blues; nothing is really wrong, feeling like I don't belong. Walking around some kind of lonely cloud... Rainy days and Mondays always get me down.

What I feel as come and gone before, no need to talk it out, we know what it's all about.  Hanging around nothing to do but frown, rainy days and Monday always get me down."

This song pretty much described my well being over the last couple of months.  I think it is important that we all realize we all go through times of stress, depression, and feeling unsure about ourselves, our choices, and our future. 

But with facebook we also feel inadequate about ourselves in the face of others that seem to have their lives so well put together.  Truth is, none of us do.  We post pictures of a moment in one of our days, but it is not our life.  We can't judge our lives and our purpose of life on someone’s picture snapped in a moment.  

Someone might need a friend or a shoulder to lean on and know that they are not alone in how they feel, and that it is okay to let their guard down and allow themselves that time of healing without feeling inadequate or that they don't measure up! 

Remember to count your blessing... recounts are okay, and always keep it real.

Mid Life Crisis

Well... is this it?  Is this a mid life crisis?  I'm not digging it if it is.   I have been a little stressed about what it is I am suppose to be doing with my life now that my kids are grown up.  Empty nest or not... my life has forever changed. 

My career choice, even with doing daycare has been to be a mom.  However, with the move of my family and the location of my daycare, it was nesseccary to sell my business. 

Now I sit with a problem of what to do with my days while everyone else is working.  It is an adjustment to say the least to have nothing to do, and my A.D.D personality will have none of it.  I miss the daycare.  I miss the kids and the business of it.  I miss the stress if you can believe that and I miss being needed.

I have had advice on this matter from friends and I realize it isn't just me going through this sucky stage... it is all people who are facing adult children moving away from home.   Doesn't make it any easier.

June 26, 2012

What Moment Would You Touch Again

'Its been said that we just don’t recognize the significant moments of our lives while there happening…we grow up complacent with ideas or things or people and we take them for granted an its usually not until that thing is about to be taken away from you that you realize how wrong you’ve been…that you realize how much you really need it…how much you love it.'

Where does it go....
a moment?

Seconds are fast and fleeting and years can hold beginnings, middle and endings.  But what is in a moment? 

When you're in that one moment, it often feels as if that is the only moment that matters... but it's not.   One moment leads to the next and before long you are looking at 10 years of moments gone by.

You don't even realize that you are happy with that moment until your at the another moment in your life that you find yourself unhappy.You look over your life and wish for certain moments back so you can bask in them and enjoy what you already had, but didn't realize it at the time.

My life is full of moments I want to touch again.

June 14, 2012

A trip to the Vet

My poor dog Alex had surgery for bladder stones!  He was in the hospital for 3 days and two nights.  This was during the NBA playoffs so the Doc put him in Blue wrapping for his IV!  Alex was not interested in being a team player ...or a team supporter! 

He wasn't behaving in the hospital, and doing all types of out-of-he-ordinary things.... not like his personality.  First... he was very vocal... and loud... and consistant about it!  Second... he wouldn't eat, but he would gather his food and hid in under a towel they had in his kennel.  Third... he poured stuff over his face!

When I went to feed him the day after his surgery, because they said he wouldn't eat for them.. he cried and cried when he saw me.  I have never heard him so vocal.  I feed him one pepple at a time... and he ate a lot!  I thought... well since he is hungry I will just put some in the bowl.. so I put some in the bowl, sit it in his kennel and he picks up the opposite side of the bowl with his mouth and lifts it up high and poors it over his face!!  He tried to do the same thing with his water bowl and I had to catch it real quick!  I have never seen him act that way!  I think he was trying to make a point! 

I worried over him that day and was so glad when the next day he got to come home.  Belson was really happy to ee him, but we kept them apart for a day or so so Alex could get is barrings.  He slept alot, and ofcourse Belson snuggled with him.  I think that helped Alex heal faster because the doctor told me a week to 14 days he would be slow, and within 5 days Alex was acting happy! 

Now he can pee a steady stream and sometimes several!  I am sure we are not the only ones that are "relieved" by that!