My daughter brought be beef jerky from Guymon a month ago. I haven't been able to eat it yet cause of my whole GERD situation. Which sucks cause I really... really... REALLY like No Mans Land Beef Jerky - and to know it is there, unopened kills me! I also think my dogs know it's there. They stand on my side of the bed with their nose twitching, and anytime I go in there, they run and follow like I might just open it and drop some, or better yet, SHARE it with them... yeah like that will happen!
So I tell my husband that if he would like some, since I can't eat it now, he can take some to work.... and he eats the WHOLE bag! smh....
Welcome to my cozy little Blog—a place where I unapologetically untangle my thoughts, parade my so-called wisdom, and occasionally drop nuggets of information you didn’t ask for. Insightful musings? Random ramblings? I’ll write, you decide.
September 8, 2012
September 3, 2012
Sleeping Beauty vs The Blood Hound
I could not find Katie on Sunday. She did not answer her house phone or her cell. She did not reply to texts or facebook either. So after an hour of no reply on any electronics, I decided to go to her house. She would not answer her door. But her car was there and her purse was in the front seat. So I pound on the door harder and manage to set off a nice sound of dog harmony in the surrounding apartments. Still no answer. So I go to the office... but wait it doesn't open for 2 hours. I was not going to wait! So I get a hold of the security people, who get a hold of the cops. Long story short. If your mom is looking for you, you better let her find you!
She was sleeping. I was not leaving until I knew she was safe! We spent the day together.... shopping, eating and laughing!
Sleeping beauty 0 The Blood Hound 1
She was sleeping. I was not leaving until I knew she was safe! We spent the day together.... shopping, eating and laughing!
Sleeping beauty 0 The Blood Hound 1
September 2, 2012
I am here... but just barely!
While I was gone and not really blogging like I use to, some stuff went down! Now you know it is something major cause I LOVE to write and blog, if for no other reason then to print it out and keep it for my journal. When I am dead, my great grands will think "SEXY" was a cool grandma! (that is what I want my grands to call me, and I can't for the LIFE of me understand why my children are refusing to let them refer to me that way! LOL
First of all I have been sick. And not the cold, runny nose, achy kind of sick. But the OMG I am going to die cause I have a disease kind of sick, called LPR They say stress causes my illness... and I was thinking, I am not under stress! I sold my daycare 2 years ago. Everything else is a piece of cake! Right?
Well.... then I got to thinking about my last six months. And here it is in a nut shell. Still new to the town, not many friends, so some depression had set in... then my Dad passed away in November, so I worry for my mom all the time.
I worry for all my kids. All the time. And that will never end.
I was going to open another Daycare, then I wasn't, then I was, then I wasn't.... well you get the gist of THAT scenario. While at the table making plans to open a center the phone rings, it is YHS asking me to come for an interview. I go, get the job (JOB OF MY DREAMS btw) and of course I am nervous for the entire month after he hires me before I start.
Then I have one sister that couldnt'sell her house and she has had health issues for years and so has her husband. Then my other sisters husband had to have heart surgery.
Then my mom started having mini strokes... which I took her to the doctor and over a course of the summer, actually 5 months, we got her a home health nurse and got her blood pressure down, but I was trying to go up there for 2 days a week to take care of her and help her with shopping and laundry.
Then she just had a pace maker put in. I just worry for her all the time!!
THEN, Matthew had a wreck, and it wasn't a kind wreck. It was a mean- in your face- type of wreck that totalled his car in the parking lot of his school! And he had a nice car. Body shop stopped the estimate at $13,000! Yes in the parking lot where he was doing the normal speed, but the driver of the other car was clocked at doing 45mph. It was on tape and the cops and the insurance guy told me the estimated speed. Can you say T-BONE? Then say Hospital, and minor concussion! So I guess I can see why I might have gotten sick. And I sure hope I am on the road to recovery cause I almost had to put myself out of misery a couple of times! Oi vay!
But I do have to put in a side note that my husband has been with me through all of this and loves me very much and for him.... I am so lucky and greatful!
First of all I have been sick. And not the cold, runny nose, achy kind of sick. But the OMG I am going to die cause I have a disease kind of sick, called LPR They say stress causes my illness... and I was thinking, I am not under stress! I sold my daycare 2 years ago. Everything else is a piece of cake! Right?
Well.... then I got to thinking about my last six months. And here it is in a nut shell. Still new to the town, not many friends, so some depression had set in... then my Dad passed away in November, so I worry for my mom all the time.
I worry for all my kids. All the time. And that will never end.
I was going to open another Daycare, then I wasn't, then I was, then I wasn't.... well you get the gist of THAT scenario. While at the table making plans to open a center the phone rings, it is YHS asking me to come for an interview. I go, get the job (JOB OF MY DREAMS btw) and of course I am nervous for the entire month after he hires me before I start.
Then I have one sister that couldnt'sell her house and she has had health issues for years and so has her husband. Then my other sisters husband had to have heart surgery.
Then my mom started having mini strokes... which I took her to the doctor and over a course of the summer, actually 5 months, we got her a home health nurse and got her blood pressure down, but I was trying to go up there for 2 days a week to take care of her and help her with shopping and laundry.
Then she just had a pace maker put in. I just worry for her all the time!!
THEN, Matthew had a wreck, and it wasn't a kind wreck. It was a mean- in your face- type of wreck that totalled his car in the parking lot of his school! And he had a nice car. Body shop stopped the estimate at $13,000! Yes in the parking lot where he was doing the normal speed, but the driver of the other car was clocked at doing 45mph. It was on tape and the cops and the insurance guy told me the estimated speed. Can you say T-BONE? Then say Hospital, and minor concussion! So I guess I can see why I might have gotten sick. And I sure hope I am on the road to recovery cause I almost had to put myself out of misery a couple of times! Oi vay!
But I do have to put in a side note that my husband has been with me through all of this and loves me very much and for him.... I am so lucky and greatful!
I have a chicken bone in my throat!
Well, having GERD has always been a part of my life, but this chicken bone stuck sideways is a new twist and it SUCKS! Let me say that if you are on any PPI's please watch for signs of LPR. I think I might be healing some, besides the chicken bone of course, and for that I am grateful. I know I like to eat some crazy stuff... but after not being able to eat anything that I know how to cook for 2 months and losing about 16 lbs... I am starting to develop some love for new types of food. It has forced me to eat different things that I haven't tried before and I have to say.... there are some good stuff out there!!! At any rate, I have my good days and my bad days. Bad days consist of the chicken bone in my throat. Okay so the whole chicken bone thing might be a little dramatic, but LPR does suck until you get it under control. And getting it under control takes a long time... I am on month 3. I still have some issues to over come... but I am determined!
The Nonsense that I Can't Live Without

Okay! So I have no idea why I wanted this Rooster. I was shopping with Katie and saw this on the shelf and for some reason, which I still can't explain, I could not get it in my shopping cart fast enough! I just knew that lady behind me was ogling it and it was the only one! I wasn't taking any chances that she would get it.
Dennis isn't sure why I needed it or why I insist on calling it Henry, but I did and I do! So ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you to my new kitchen decor, Henry!
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