September 2, 2012

I have a chicken bone in my throat!

Well, having GERD has always been a part of my life, but this chicken bone stuck sideways is a new twist and it SUCKS!  Let me say that if you are on any PPI's please watch for signs of LPR.  I think I might be healing some, besides the chicken bone of course, and for that I am grateful.  I know I like to eat some crazy stuff... but after not being able to eat anything that I know how to cook for 2 months and losing about 16 lbs... I am starting to develop some love for new types of food.  It has forced me to eat different things that I haven't tried before and I have to say.... there are some good stuff out there!!!  At any rate, I have my good days and my bad days.  Bad days consist of the chicken bone in  my throat.  Okay so the whole chicken bone thing might be a little dramatic, but LPR does suck until you get it under control.  And getting it under control takes a long time... I am on month 3.  I still have some issues to over come... but I am determined!

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