February 6, 2020


We're getting things ready for moving classrooms.  We started today, so that's one down and 4 classes to go.  It all seems like a lot, but if they more one classroom at a time it should be done in less then two weeks.  That's plan anyway. We got new carpet in there yesterday and I will be ordering the new furniture as we need it.  It will be the the first time I have a double class and we will see how that turns out!  I know that it better be clean, organized and ready to go all the time! lol

I will make money off of that room and that is important!  Before when it was just the cafeteria I made no money.  That was not a good business decision.  Each room needs to hold it's own for payroll.... and then some for the rent!

And I really want that damn pool!
Time will tell....

Update: they already moved all the classrooms.....took them 3 days and going in on a Sunday....... now I have to buy toys!  I was prepared quit yet!!!!

February 5, 2020

First Snow of the Year

Joanie, Benji & Evelyn went home early from daycare with daddy and played in the snow

Mind over sickness

I think I am getting a sinus infection.  Can you talk your self out of having one?  It's not like wanting that ice cream that is he freezer.  I mean I want that and I can, for the most part talk myself out of it.  but can I talk myself out of a sinus infection?  I don't want to go to the doctor and I don't want to take meds!  I don't want steroids at all, but I really don't want to be sick either!  It started yesterday and I felt better until this evening and now I have a dang headache.  Headaches are my downfall.  They will get my attention!  I guess I will go to the doctor tomorrow if I still feel these nagging signs.  I don't wanna..... but I will! Dammit!

February 2, 2020

Not Family Friendly

I didn’t even know who was performing this year until the halftime show started.  Dennis asked me who Shakira was.  But as soon as I knew who it was, I knew there would be lots of hip action!   They are such beautiful women and they are super talented.  And the performance was perfect.... but was it appropriate for all viewers?  Thrusting, popping and grinding crotch views are not appropriate.  And definitely not classy. 🤦🏼‍♀️ The super bowl doesn’t have a restricted age to attend the game like the movie Hustler did.  I wouldn’t take my children to watch a pole dance... but I would take them to Cirque du Soleil.  The costumes are much the same, so that’s not the issue.... the movements are different.  Where does the line get drawn on what’s decent for one and all and what’s not? It’s obviously not going to be Hollywood or networks if sex sells. 

February 1, 2020

Wedding Vows On A Weekend

This weekend I woke up having slept my record best in a recorded 199 sessions  90%!  And it probably showed, as I got some serious office work done today.  We worked up at the center for about 5 hours and it's crazy what I can get done with noone is messing with me.  Not a steady stream of interruptions breaking into my concentration, except an occasional breakdown Dennis would have about finding something!  I had to unlock the gate for him, find the two water hoses, and locate the door stopper that had broken off earlier this week.  Other than that.... I was on a roll. Monday at work should prove boring with nothing left for me to do!