August 5, 2020

Teachable moments

Today I was driving to an appointment when I look over to my right and I see a bunch a little kids with signs that says donate for our football uniforms. Well that’s all good and great but what does that teach our young America? 

What happened to the car washes?  The bake sales?  The yardwork for the elderly?  Why do we think that it is OK to teach our children  to beg for money... because if you’re asking for a donation at the corner of a busy intersection that’s basically what you’re doing.  You are begging for money! 

That does not teach morals
That does not teach any kind of value.

Sports are supposed to bring people together and teach them that hard work and dedication can make you winners.  What they’re teaching the children by having them stand on a street corner with a sign that says donate for our football uniforms is that they don’t have to work for something.  This is what’s wrong with America today!  Quit expecting to get things for nothing. You have to work for what you want.

August 3, 2020

I need to drop this wieght

Oh it’s that dreaded time again time when you pull out your summer clothes and realize you no longer fit them but you don’t want to go buy new ones because the old ones are so cute!  You keep thinking:  I’ll lose the weight." But then you keep on eating icecream and chips and anything full of cheese!  You spend all summer feeling fat an in clothes that are too tight and feel very uncomfortable and white!  Yeah White... because he’s gonna lay out if you’re too fat?  Nobody needs to see that!

July 11, 2020

I feel like a grunt worker.

I realize people don't want to catch this virus.. but why is it okay for childcare centers to be open and school closed?  I don't understand the logistics.  None of them want to go back to work, but they are still out shopping and going to friends and probably out at the  park during the 4th!  Unless we are a closed state... we need to open the schools.  WE need some normalcy!  WE have had no Spring... hardley a summer.... I went to hobby lobby today and saw fall stuff out!  East was out the last time I was there! 

Its okay that we are all still working... Store clerks, policemen, hospital staff, but a teacher can't?  We need to reevaluate this nonsense... IF kids don't get it as effectively as adults, then why are the schools closed? 

July 6, 2020

My Daddy’s Family Lagacy

This picture is my family.  It was taken at my parents 50th wedding anniversary where they remarried in a church in front of all their friends and family... (the church was packed). In the photo is My mom and dad.. my husband and children, my brothers and sister, my nieces and nephews. 

They were married for 64 years.

Since this picture was taken.. we lost my daddy, and a brother in law that felt more like a brother.  We gained 10 new spouses and 21 great grand children. 

This is what a legacy looks like.  My daddy would have loved his great grandbabies!

June 27, 2020


We had a new grandbaby today!  Kieran Blaise Short was born at 6:00 a.m this morning!   9 lbs, 6 oz and 22 inches long!  LOOK AT THOSE CHEEKS?!?!  He is Beautiful!!