January 30, 2013

I ate spaghetti and didn't combust!

Eating some food again after being told I have LPR is good!   Too bad I can't eat chocolate, but really... my ass was getting rather large, so this could be a good thing.  I am not happy to just eat food with flavor again!  Spaghetti was a good start!  Yeah me

January 27, 2013

The Mr Yukon Pageant

Last night was the 14th annual Mr. Yukon Pageant.  The contests have to attend Yukon High School and it was so funny to watch boys I see daily in my office on stage! And the whole things is put on my the Yukon High School Pom Squad as a fund raiser. What a great gig!  

Katie went with me because Dennis didn't want to go... although I have no idea why!  I thought it would have made a great date night activity!  lol  I think he was thinking about the pageants he has sat through with Katie as a contestant and thought these boys would actually take it seriously!  Although, some did, most of it was just pure entertainment!

Boys are sure different then girls are (other than the obvious).  I commented on the fact that the boys would actually help each other out by being in their skits to help them pull off their talents, whereas girls..... eh, not so much! 

We saw singers... good and FUNNY!  We saw dancers, a comedian, a piano player, rappers, the 7 up guy "bump it likes its hot",  a lead singer in a rock band, a thug that played a recorder....  and some crazy strange and somewhat frighting dance where a guy had his hands tucked into this parachute type outfit.  Seriously, that performance might need to be accompanied by some therapy for this audience member. ;)

Our high school police officer that was there working the show on duty said,  "I'm watching this laughing so hard, and thinking.... I can't believe I get paid for this!"

At the end of the evening a Senior boy won the crown and he was truly very good.  He sang a song he made up called, "I'm Bored, " while being accompanied by another contestant on the guitar.  It was very Justin Beiber-ish and I still find myself singing it.

The only down-fall was when I realized I forgot to take my 2 gallons of milks and quart of ice cream home before the show.  But it was cold enough on this January Oklahoma night, that it was fine!

January 23, 2013

My kids are Stupid! lol

I am a money tree... Or at least that what my kids think.  Poor stupid children. They don't realize we are just poor white trash.

January 22, 2013

I am THAT crazy OKC/Rumble fan!!

I marked one thing off my bucket list today... I got a picture with Rumble!  I work at the high school that won a contest that got him, the storm chasers, the cheerleaders and the DJ,  to come and do a game at our school.  Every since I have seen an OKC Thunder game and I watched Rumble perform, I put him on my bucket list.  He is such a big personality, I HAD to have my picture with him!!!

Flash Back to Sept... when we were at the Oklahoma state Fair, I saw Rumble.  I got so excited and was practically dragging Dennis toward him.  He was surrounded by kids, so instead of pushing them out of the way... which was what I wanted to do..... (hehe) I waited for my chance to get a picture.  He had to leave before I could get one and all day long I whined!  Dennis kept laughing at me and saying he was just a big Muppet, and I would get mad and tell him he WAS NOT! He was real!!!   
Watching Rumble walk away was the saddest thing that happened to me that day!

Back to the Present - Getting the picture,however, was not easy!  First of all, I was tired!  Just got back from Fort Worth last night late, still living out of my suitcase this morning, dragging myself to work.  After work I went home and took a 20 minute power nap!  I knew I was going to need my strength for my hunt for Rumble at the YHS game tonight.

Matthew met me at the game, but had to leave for gym before I could locate Rumble so Katie came up there and got ready to use the camera once I found him. my kids have always been my partners in crime.   I tried to find him early, before the game started because since I work there, I can walk the halls easier then most... but I think Rumble stays in his van before he enters a game.  Too many people want to see him!  Once he came out to roll the thunder on the drums... I started the stalking game.

Of course he went of the OPPOSITE side of where I was sitting... which prompted me to jump up, crab my purse, my jacket, my coat and my camera.... and sprint to the other side of the HUGE gym.  Once there, I watched as he climbed down and went across the gym floor to the exact location we were JUST AT!  GOOD GOD!!!

I sprint back through the halls with all my belongings...down the stairs and I see the Miller Man... (our mascot) with Rumble.  He was getting his picture with him.  Now... I have connections with the Miller Man... after all, it's NOT WHAT YOU KNOW BUT WHO YOU KNOW!  He saw me and knew I wanted a picture with Rumble, so he told Rumble.... in their mascot, no talking way of course..... that I wanted a picture... and then Rumble looked up at me with his big brown eyes and shook that big ole' horned head at me...motioning for me to come over!

I got THREE pictures with him, and my daughter said when I walked away, he did the crazy sign to his head with his finger and pointed at me!  Man!  Rumble is not only AWESOME, but smart!   I am crazy enough to do whatever it takes to get my picture with him and cross one more thing off my bucket list!

Thunder UP!

Scary Toilet!

The Toilet at the hotel scared me!  It was quick to flush... extremely loud and it had the suction of an airplane toilet.  I literally was afraid if I got too close it would suck my scarf off my neck and blow it out over Switzerland!  I learned to step away and flush as I ran out the bathroom door!  I have no idea why it was so powerful, but it made me wonder what kinds of quest they had had in the past to make them get the super sonic toilet system!