January 22, 2013

I am THAT crazy OKC/Rumble fan!!

I marked one thing off my bucket list today... I got a picture with Rumble!  I work at the high school that won a contest that got him, the storm chasers, the cheerleaders and the DJ,  to come and do a game at our school.  Every since I have seen an OKC Thunder game and I watched Rumble perform, I put him on my bucket list.  He is such a big personality, I HAD to have my picture with him!!!

Flash Back to Sept... when we were at the Oklahoma state Fair, I saw Rumble.  I got so excited and was practically dragging Dennis toward him.  He was surrounded by kids, so instead of pushing them out of the way... which was what I wanted to do..... (hehe) I waited for my chance to get a picture.  He had to leave before I could get one and all day long I whined!  Dennis kept laughing at me and saying he was just a big Muppet, and I would get mad and tell him he WAS NOT! He was real!!!   
Watching Rumble walk away was the saddest thing that happened to me that day!

Back to the Present - Getting the picture,however, was not easy!  First of all, I was tired!  Just got back from Fort Worth last night late, still living out of my suitcase this morning, dragging myself to work.  After work I went home and took a 20 minute power nap!  I knew I was going to need my strength for my hunt for Rumble at the YHS game tonight.

Matthew met me at the game, but had to leave for gym before I could locate Rumble so Katie came up there and got ready to use the camera once I found him. my kids have always been my partners in crime.   I tried to find him early, before the game started because since I work there, I can walk the halls easier then most... but I think Rumble stays in his van before he enters a game.  Too many people want to see him!  Once he came out to roll the thunder on the drums... I started the stalking game.

Of course he went of the OPPOSITE side of where I was sitting... which prompted me to jump up, crab my purse, my jacket, my coat and my camera.... and sprint to the other side of the HUGE gym.  Once there, I watched as he climbed down and went across the gym floor to the exact location we were JUST AT!  GOOD GOD!!!

I sprint back through the halls with all my belongings...down the stairs and I see the Miller Man... (our mascot) with Rumble.  He was getting his picture with him.  Now... I have connections with the Miller Man... after all, it's NOT WHAT YOU KNOW BUT WHO YOU KNOW!  He saw me and knew I wanted a picture with Rumble, so he told Rumble.... in their mascot, no talking way of course..... that I wanted a picture... and then Rumble looked up at me with his big brown eyes and shook that big ole' horned head at me...motioning for me to come over!

I got THREE pictures with him, and my daughter said when I walked away, he did the crazy sign to his head with his finger and pointed at me!  Man!  Rumble is not only AWESOME, but smart!   I am crazy enough to do whatever it takes to get my picture with him and cross one more thing off my bucket list!

Thunder UP!

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