May 23, 2011

Customer Service.... where is it today?

I want to know where customer service is?  I long for the days when I went to the grocery store and bought $150 worth of food and had some help carrying it out!  Now I am wrestling around with this stupid cart and the wind and all the bags and where to put it!  I understand that businessess are trying to save money... but at the cost of helping the customer?  Why don't they fire those workers that are sitting around talking about un related work matters while the customer struggles with 3 kids and a large cart full of groceries?  Cracks me up when they ask... "Do you want help out with this?"  DUH you dumb a$$!!!!  Then you have the buggys that are everywhere outside that are slamming into everyones car.  Well... I can tell you that if I every found a store that offers customer service... I will shop there instead of any big named store... cause you can't put a price tag on being nice and helpful to those who are doing business with you.

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