May 25, 2011

Oklahoma Weather

These were taken in Piedmont by my friend Carlen... right after it was over.

Being from Oklahoma, I am use to Tornado's popping up... but last night we had so many tornado's in our area, it was scary.  The weathermen on all the channels were telling us to get our butts in gear and get a plan together.  They said it wasn't 'IF' we would had a tornado, but 'WHERE' and 'how many' and 'how strong'.  They were right... I came home early and fixed dinner so we wouldn't be starving as the storms unfolded.  Our time line for the storms to reach us was set for 5 - 7.  I picked up Matthew early from school because the weatherman was saying it would be best if everyone was home by 5, called Tanner and got with him on a plan to come here when he got off work at 4, and Dennis got off work at 3... I already had my bag packed with the radio and the flashlights... ipod, kindle... all the IMPORTANT stuff - lol!  I was on schedule and about to serve Dinner at 4:00 when the first tornado sirens went off...  We gather up the dogs and our gear... called friends to tell them to meet up there and Tanner to tell him not to come after all...  We went up to the Stage Door and sat with a lot of other people and their dogs for the next 2 hours.  Wasn't too bad... but being new here... the weatherman kept saying "Tornado crossing Mile marker 80" and I had no idea where that was.  Tanner text me and told me he was save in the volt at work and after the storm left us and headed for Stillwater, Katie text from Stillwater and said she was safe and in a church basement with friends.  There are people missing still.  A 3 year old boy named Ryan was ripped out of his moms arms and they still have not found him.  A horse landed in someones pool... and he survived.  Bark is completely off the trees and the grass looks plowed.  I hope whatever weather condition enabled that massive out break doesn't happen again any time soon.  We have an appointment for an estimate for a cellar lined up in the next couple of weeks!

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