June 8, 2011

Don't Expect Perfection.... Cause You Won't Get It!

So my mom and her friends are all coming to the show this weekend.  I got her, what I think are, the best seats in the house and as the director... I SWEAR I have sat in everyone of them making sure the blocking was good.  Then, two of my oldests friends one of 27 years and one of 39 years... I KNOW right!?!?!   might becoming as well.  I could get pumped about that....  My kids are all coming to the matinee and some girls from the daycare are telling me they are coming.  I hope my cast doesn't rewrite the show this weekend! lol  I just sit back in the light booth and laugh because I swear it is a different show every night!     Last weekend M'Lynn tripped and said something smart about it... causing Shelby to laugh, and Truvy had to turn her around in the chair to face away from the audience until she composed herself... but the audience didn't help matters... they all laughed at them for losing thier composures!  Meanwhile I am thinking... "DON'T BREAK THE 4th WALL DAMMIT!!!" lol Theatre is like life... RAW and exciting! Yep... but you gotta love live theatre.... if you want perfection, go see a movie that has been edited that way.

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