Not the drug doing, none bathing, free sex and naming my children Moonbeam, Happiness or Rain kind of hippy... but one of free thinking, rationalizing things differently, and wanting everyone to get along... kind of hippy.
I don't like the madness of the world. I don't like the constant need that everyone has to have it their way because that is the ONLY way and if you don't do it that way, you are WRONG. Do you know how many ways you can get from my house to say.... California? SOOOO many ways. None of them the WRONG way. Some are a better way then others. Some of them are shorter then others.. but they will all get me there. Why can't people just find their own way to places and enjoy the company of those along the way. Why do we have to argue fuss and complain about our differences? I love to have friends that are different. I call them the "spice"! They add some flavor to my existence and I think it helps with my journey. And we are all on a journey so why not just kick back and enjoy the ride. Love everyone that comes into your life. See if there is something that not only they can contribute to you, but that you can contribute to them. And remember, there are a lot of different ways to reach the same place.