As of now I'm hunting flies in my house. We have to let the dogs out to take care of business, but we always let in flies. Nasty buggers! I have on a hat... backwards I might add... and a seriously large, thick, black fly swatter. I have tracked down, located and killed 3 so far. They are hard to find.. they blend in to their surroundings. My computer is black. My printer is black. My file cabinet is black. Even my kitchen counters have black in therm.... it's like they are little chameleons! And they are fast! One minute they are talking crap in your ear and the next they are by the window 10 ft away. They just disappear... they are like super ninja flies! If they could operate nun chucks, we would be the endangered species!!! I am tempted to find Matthew's old night vision goggles from his spy kit. I am not taking prisoners. No one gets out alive!!! I am bigger! Stronger!! and I pay the bills!!!! So RIP super stealth ninja flies! Victory shall be mine!!!!
Hahaha! Love this post. You are crazy. The fly in the picture cracks me up!