February 1, 2012

My Girlfriends....

I never had been the type of female to have lots of girlfriends.  Sometimes I think that is weird and wonder if something is wrong with me or if I am broken!  I am not taking about the "hey what's up" at walmart friends... but really good, 'tell your secrets and dreams to' friends.  I wonder if I don't have the social skills.. or confidence to be in a group with more women.  Maybe I don't have the patience. :)   Although I LOVE theatre, I do not like "drama".  I think one reason I am this way is because I had a very serious boy in my life all through high school.  And this same boy was a good friend the last year I was in Junior high... so having a relationship for 4 years is what I did in High school.  I spent my weekends with him.  And wouldn't change it if I could.

I do have females I really enjoy being around... but few.  My list is small.. Marion & Debbie were my best little friends as a little girl.  I did everything with them.  My first memories of them are in the 2nd grade at Marion's first day of school.  I haven't seen Marion since 2006, and I hadn't seen Debbie in probably 20+ years... but I saw them both at my daddy's funeral just 2 months ago.  That was an TRUE unspoken bond that lies between friends that will always be friends... no matter if we are in each others daily lives or not.  Knowing that they drove 30 miles to attend his funeral spoke volumes for their characters, and mine for the friends I chose even as a 7 year old girl.  Course it also speaks highly of my father and what he meant to them growing up... so maybe I shouldn't take too much credit for that!

I had several sweet and precious friends in Guymon... although raising my kids and being a business owner kept me really too busy to "hang out" with anyone.  Jada was and still is one of my all time favorite people!  Down to earth... tells it like it is and a true friend to the end.  Sara... my daughter from another mother!  She blessed me with her comfort on many of cheerleading try out weekend and took over for me to help Katie look her best (its such a stressful time for momma!!!)   She also took Katie prom dress shopping and then allowed her beautiful daughter to be in the Miss Oklahoma Pageant with Katie and drove all the way to Tulsa for a week to show her total support to Katie...  She has the ability to make a valid point about anything... even if it isn't valid!  I think she should be an attorney!  She always makes sinces when she is arguing! So many things to say about Sara... but this blog is not titled "SARA"... I might have to write one! lol  Penny!  my artistic partner in crime that taught me to make wood walls and stone castles.  Loved so many days just hanging out with her... sometimes just working on sets, not even speaking but just enjoying the music and love of theatre with each other. (She is my most creative friend ever!)  Velinda... Man... this girl was my rock for 3 years!!  (maybe longer?)  She did everything I didn't want to do at the daycare.  She was the best asst director ever and I learned what a hard worker  looked like!  She was great to my kids and a mother of 4 herself.  She was the only person outside of my family that ever babysat Matthew... and that says a lot!!!  We also put on great theme parties together!  MAAGGGIIIEEEE  (Maggie)  I love her.  She is my girl.  She was the first friend I made in Guymon, and she hated me!!! lol  But I grew on her and it has been a 20 year relationship!  She was just fun to pick on.. and allowed me to pick on her every birthday.  I did some mean things to her too as she got older!  She also can sing every word to Garth Brooks "Ain't going home till the sun comes up" song... without taking a breath I THINK!  She always keeps all her things perfectly neat and her car always smells new.  We were lunch buddies!  EVERYONE needs a lunch buddy.  I miss that.

Then I have my friend Reitta.  Who also attended my fathers funeral.   She has been a constant in my life since she and I met at 17 and 19 years old.  I was older, yet less mature.  She was my idol.  She was this drop dead beautiful blond girl with a OP (inside joke) body and funny to boot!  She always had the coolest cars to cruise in. And I was always fascinated by her eyebrows!  We both have a love for writing and have writen may poetry together...  Lot of late night chats.. watermellon fights and days spent tanning.  We were very tight for about 4 years.  She worked full time and went to college and then came and stayed with me on the weekends and helped me with Tanner cause I worked on Saturdays.   Then we both married, moved away, started families and began our adult lives.  But we are still best friends, and our children call each of us Aunt.  We talk regularly and I am able to see her lots more since we live only 1 1/2 hour away from each other.    Our daughters go to OSU together and hang out!  We love that!  My daughter is the goofy one... and hers is the down to earth one... HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF! lol

So maybe I am the type of girl that does have girlfriends.  I just don't get caught up with the competitiveness of it all.  None of them ever made me feel fat, or ugly.  Less deserving or stupid.   They never looked at my husband with anything but respect and  they enjoyed my children and supported my family.  I am blessed to have had these women in my life... I guess I am not broken.

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