August 11, 2012

I'm a Rebel

I started my new job this week and so far... it's working out! lol  I am always afraid of working for someone else because when you work for yourself for 20 plus years you don't answer to anyone but yourself, so if you screw up... you just shake your head and fix it!  But working for someone else, someone else might slap me on the hand, and how will I handle that?  I am a rebel!!

This is my office...

I am pretty independent... but working for myself has taught me that.  Getting it done without anyone over your shoulder.  I don't like being watched or told what to do.  I think that will come in handy on this job cause I don't have anyone in the office with me and I still have to get my stuff done, so being able to work without someone breathing down my neck is a job requirement for this one!

However, the staff that I have, so far, been able to work with are a great group of ladies.  School starts this coming week and I wonder how I will handle all the people needing something NOW from one of the counselors.  I hope I am able to keep a handle on everything.  I am ready.... or as ready as I can be.

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