It has been a year since I have seen my Daddy and that is the longest... by far... I have ever gone in my whole life without seeing him. It feels like yesterday, yet a life time ago, if that is even possible.
He had been put in the hospital and I was going so I could not only see my dad, but also help my mom with him or give her a break once we got him home. Tanner went with me and we sat in his hospital room as he joked and visited with us. The hospital is across from the college football stadium and looking out the window, I could see the bright lights where my old high school was playing the big game of the season LHS vs IKE. Daddy teased me about when I was in high school and he would pick me up from the game, ironically in the hospital parking lot... as me and my friend would get into the car he would ask me who which I would reply.. "I don't know!" He would then laugh and accuse me of "boy watching" instead of watching the game!
The next day (saturday) he was waiting to be released. He was adamant about the OU game being on and he wanted to be out before it started or he wanted them to wait until it was over! It took forever for them to release him and as usual.. he didn't complain.. just watched the ball game with Tanner and a friend... Bill, that had come to see him. Once we left he wanted to go by Sonic and get a vanilla shake and then we followed them to Cyril.
I had thought about going home after we got him back from the hospital and settled in. I had helped my mom and everything was in order. I asked Tanner what he wanted to do, and as usual he was supportive in whatever I wanted to do. Because they took so long to release him, and we got home later in the evening, I decided to stay another night.
That precious last night I spent with my daddy was something ... I will never forget. Tanner tried to talk him into playing aggravation, but he didn't feel like playing. So, I gave him a foot massage. I had printed out a Chinese foot chart and I massaged both his feet and worked extra hard on the part of his foot that is connected to his lungs. He relaxed with his eyes closed and told me how wonderful it felt. I bet I messaged him for well over an hour as we just talked and teased each other. I got his coffee ready for the next morning and cleaned his tray where he liked to have his snacks. I made sure he was covered when he went to sleep and I gave him a kiss.
The next day I made breakfast, and we visited at the table and laughed just like always. As noon approached, I gave both of them a hug & kiss goodbye, but when Tanner an I were sitting in the truck, I got teary eyed and I told Tanner... this might be the last time I see him. Tanner, of course was like... "Oh Mom! It is not!" But I think I knew in my heart that it was. It took everything I had to back out of the drive way. It was the last time I saw him.
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