March 8, 2014

Our Human Race

I'm not saying I have intelligent things to say.  I'm not even saying I spelled intelligent right.  I am just saying that I have something of value to comment on.  I watched "12 years of Slaves" and it was so sad.  I am just not sure I could have lived in that time era.  I would have beat some white people down.  How did they ever believe that that was morally right or even ethical? I mean, besides the color of the skin, why do white people think they are better then any other race?  I am stunned by the ignorance of some of the people that movie portrayed last night.  You may say.."it was only a movie" To which I say, "Yes and Thank God"...  Because the realization of what really went on was even more barbaric!  It was worst, or at the very least in the same category as Hitlers BS.  I just really don't understand the stupidity of some of our human race.

And for the record... I am WHITE!  smh